𝟳 | Beginning Of The End

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────── 〔☾〕──────I Am Your Death - Robin Carolan, Sebastian Gainsborough────── 〔☾〕──────

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I Am Your Death - Robin Carolan, Sebastian Gainsborough
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Tetsuros head felt like it was full of enraged hornets.

It pounded and shrieked at her, vision whiting out as the pain spread from her temples across her forehead. All sound was drowned out by the beating of her own heart. It battered and raged against her ribs, almost clawing at her bones in an attempt to burst from her chest. The pain from her heart melded with her head in a pounding symphony that had the girl whimpering, bloody hands pressed over her ears as she cowered in her fathers shadow.

The hornets in her head raged at the sight of him.

Hayate stood above the pale corpse of Ishida, glare fixed on the once pristine courtyard that was now littered with shattered wood and pools of crimson that bled from the corpse and dripped from the engawas edge. He payed no mind to the blood that seeped into the edge of his fine silken robe or the blood drying onto his skin. Instead, he focused on the snivelling girl at his feet.

"I'm disappointed in you." He sighed deeply "So much potential wasted on selfish desires, all my hard work basically for thing. A perfect heir and yet that spark of rebellion doesn't seem to die"

Tetsuro whined, body shaking, before banging her head against the ground to try distract herself from the buzzing in her ears. Everything was so loud.

"Look at you. Pathetic." He sneered before all the disgust fell from his face to reveal something much more sorrowful and bereft that the young girl couldn't distinguish as genuine "This hurts me Tetsuro, seeing you so low, having you betray me like this. My favourite, a perfect heir, abandoning the world I've lain at her feet"

A bead of copper blood bubbled on the girls lip as she sank her teeth into before looking up at the man, eyes bleary and unfocused. Tears clung to her skin, face flushed and blotchy, but they didn't flow anymore and instead simply clung to her lashes as she looked around. Her mind unconsciously latched onto her fathers voice, the only thing that felt vaguely familiar to her shattered brain. Her body was too tired to recognise the slick and warm sensation across her hands and knees as the pool of blood around Ishidas body expanded to where she was crumpled.

She turns to the direction his voice can from slowly, vision tunnelling in in the man that loomed over her. A searing rage bubbled in her stomach. She could barley stop the feeling as it smothered out her confusion and grief. Her vision seared red.

"We can forget this transgression once you forget that filth she's been filling your head with" Hayates voice was like sandpaper. Slowly, mind half detached from her body, Tetsuros fingers circle around the knife dangling from her fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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