Free Time Event: Two New Allies

Start from the beginning

Even if it meant going into the infamous lion's den that produces a lot of fake heroes to prove my ideology. If I'm going to leave my mark, I might as well do it in the place known as the Number One Hero school.

However, I will not be attending UA for my high school years.

Oh no. Not a chance in all the rings of hell.

I have already made up my mind on where I'm going once I graduated from the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and I already got my acceptance letter not a week after. Me and the gang threw a huge "afterparty" after the graduation ceremony, but that's a story for another time as well. Let me tell you though, that was the longest I have ever seen both Izaya-sensei and Shizuo-chan stay in the same area without trying to kill one another (and not a single vending machine nor lightpost got dismantled).

But I digress.

I'm going straight to Hope's Peak Academy. Where Ultimates like me and Kura-chan can flourish with other fellow Ultimates. And to make things better, all of our friends are already accepted at this prestigious school.

And thanks to Izuru and his connections with some of the staff there, he got me my own private space on the dormitory grounds, which is basically a hidden passage under the school founder's statue. There's enough room for me, Izuru, and the others to hang out in. Hell Izuru even lives there with me when he and Hajime doesn't have to be home to deal with his old man whenever he's not traveling abroad for his business.

I sighed to myself as I put my outfit on to go out for the day. While I'm not on campus, I'm at Izuru's and Hajime's place, along with my dogs. And when both Izuru and Hajime are out, I am usually working as a part-time dealer and delivering products to paying clients. From imported goods to even prescription drugs (I have a regular who asks for klonopin every other week a couple of towns over) to even pot brownies, I make quite a bit in tips.

Not only do I do deliver products, but I also sell info to promising clients. I have a client in the Novoselic Empire who is looking to negotiate with the Prime minister, who is also a regular client of mine; a member of the Togami clan who goes to me frequently for Intel on rival businesses to get in his father's good graces to be the next sole heir of the family; several clients in the secret military group known as Fenrir for supplies and some weaponry (ones I can get ahold of anyway without alerting any big shot authorities); among many others.

Thanks to that, I have racked up quite the nest egg, and have several overseas accounts.

All in all, Izaya prided himself as taking me on as his protege. And I honestly couldn't ask for a better person to teach me. Let me tell you, it is no smooth ride in this field of work. Not only do I have a great amount of friends, Ultimate or otherwise, but I have a great amount of enemies too. But that list will be made out another time as it is kind of a long one....

For now, let us focus on what is going on now...

Which happens to be in a cat cafe....

And it is here, I have met with a few key players to my "grand scheme" for my "conquest".

3rd POV Switch

It was a normal weekend day for Retasu.

Only difference is that all of her friends are all busy.

Junko had yet another photo shoot to attend to. Mahiru's mother was home from her work as a war photographer so she and her were having some quality time before she goes back to work. Hiyoko was at a tea ceremony the next town over. Kirumi was called for a cleaning job uptown. Kokichi was yet again on a pranking spree with his cohorts downtown, so Retasu made sure to avoid that area until further notice. Nagito was in the hospital (again) thanks to his bad luck catching up to him (don't ask). Mikan was with Nagito, attending his injuries. Hajime and Izuru were out dealing with business in their old man's stead. Maki and Mukuro had their own thing to do with their groups, the detailed were vague at best if only for their friends' safety. Gonta was out collecting different rare types of beetles with Rantaro helping him along with some of his sisters whi enjoy wildlife. Souda and Miu were working on something together, dragging poor Kiibo along with them for the ride. Chiaki had a game tournament with her cousin Chihiro cheering her on. Gundham was out training his new bear cub he rescued just a week ago so he had his hands full. As for Retasu's dogs, she decided to let them have the day off to themselves, even if it went against Izuru's wishes.

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