Chapter 11

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Alexis' P.O.V

-1 Hour Later-

It took us a while to finally get to the address because of all the destruction. I saw Kat's black Ford Mustang sitting in the driveway, now knowing I was at the right house I jumped out of the Impala and ran to the front door, knocking repeatedly. The front door flew open, Jace standing behind it, "Alexis! Oh my god you're okay." "Yea Jace, when aren't I okay. Now where's my daughter?" "She's inside drinking hot chocolate cuddling with Lucky, we found him following us about a block away from our house so we just brought him here." I smiled knowing that Lucky was okay he was very important to all of us, I whistled and a bark was heard, as well of two sets of footsteps running to the door.

"Mom!" Sarah launched herself in my arms and Lucky jumped on her causing us to fall back in the grass. I looked up and saw Clint standing behind us, he leaned down and poked Sarah's side, "Daddy!" She released me and fell into Clint's arms while Lucky stayed attached to me. I heard small mumbles coming from Clint that sounded like, "It's okay Babygirl. Daddy's here." I pushed our three-legged dog off of me and stood with Lucky at my side. Clint let go of Sarah and stood and helped her up, we heard someone clear their throat and we looked in the Avengers direction, Tony stood with his arms open.

"Uncle Tony!" Now it was Tony's turn to be attacked by the hysteric 15 year old, knocking the wind out of him. Pepper joined their hug turning it into a group hug until Natasha tapped Sarah's shoulder, she released Tony and turned, "Aunt Nat!" Natasha pulled her into a small comforting hug and released her shortly after. "Sarah." She turned and looked at me, "Meet Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, and Uncle Thor." She turned and saw the three men standing near the cars, "Hi, I'm Sarah." Thor spoke first, "Hello Lady Sarah, I am Thor future King of Asgard." Steve gave her a charming smile, "Steve Rogers." Bruce was being shy but spoke when Steve nudged him, "I'm Bruce Banner."

She looked at Steve first, "So you're really the man who fought in the war with Mom and Uncle Bucky?" He nodded, "I did where do you think I learned how to fight, your Mom taught me. I was a scrawny kid from Brooklyn when we were children. Couldn't fight, no matter how many I got in." Sarah was looking at him in amazement and before any of us could react she ran and gave him a hug. We could all tell by the look on his face he was taken aback, but soon snapped out of it and hugged her close to his body.

When she pulled away she spoke to Bruce, "So you're the Hulk? That's so awesome!" Bruce looked surprise at the comment about the other guy, but gave a small smile to Sarah, "Well thanks, no one really thinks like that." She gave him a look and deadpanned, "Please we were learning about you in science class and everyone thought it was awesome." Bruce looked like he was going to cry in a minute so Sarah dragged him in a hug, just like Steve, Bruce reacted almost instantly and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

She pulled away from Bruce and walked to stand in front of Thor, "So future King? That's pretty cool." Thor looked confused, "Cool? What do you mean cool?" "It means something like impressive and amazing." "Oh then yes it is quite cool." I started laughing at Thor's big smile and soon everyone else joined in, I soon gained back my composure and turned to the Lowe's. "Thank you for looking after her. I'm glad everyone is safe." Kat and Jace smiled at me, "Anytime A you know that." I smiled one last time and turned back to my family, "Alright same people in each car, Sarah's riding with us, she can sit in between Steve and Tasha. Tony you're taking Lucky with you. Let's go." We all climbed into the car, I pulled out a cassette tape we had made to play in the Impala, Sarah's favorite. The speakers soon filled with Bon Jovi as we headed back to New York.

-Skipping most of car ride-

Stark Tower was about five blocks ahead of us when I heard a squeal from the back seat and slammed on the brakes. "What the hell?!?" Sarah was pointing to something on the ground outside the window, "Dad, Mom! A puppy, go get it!" And sure enough a small Rottweiler puppy was surrounded by a large pile of rubble trying to get out. Clint looked at me and I nodded, he left the car, climbed over the pile and scooped the puppy up. He handed the pup to Sarah when he came back, "Can we keep him, please? He has no collar." I pondered it for a moment, "Well Lucky could use a friend and if you promise to take care of him I guess we could." She squealed even louder than the first time, "Thank you! Thank you! I promise!" I chuckled and continued our journey back to Stark Tower.

We arrived before Tony and the others, we headed to the penthouse and sat down. Sarah was playing with the Rot and Steve asked, "What are you going to name him?" "Um, I like the name Beau." The puppy yipped and wagged its tail. I laughed, "Seems like he does too. Welcome to the family Beau." I heard the elevator ding behind us and a dog bark. Lucky ran up to Beau and sniffed him, Beau cocked his head to the side studying Lucky. Beau yipped and ran around Lucky, Tony walked and stood beside me, "Who's this?" "Beau. Sarah noticed him in the rubble and asked if we could keep him." "And you said yes."

We all looked outside when we heard a jet land, Maria exited the jet and entered the penthouse. "So girl's night?" Me, Natasha and Pepper all looked at each other and nodded. Pepper spoke, "I'll get the movies." Natasha, "I'll get all of our pajamas." Maria, "I'll find candy, ice cream, and drinks." Me, "And I'll order the pizzas." Pepper dashed off to the home theater, Natasha headed to the elevator to my floor to get the PJ's and Maria headed to the bar and then kitchen to get the candy and ice cream. "JARVIS order 4 large pepperoni pizzas from the closest open pizza hut and have them deliver to the penthouse. Alert me when they arrive." "Yes Mrs. Barton." I turned to Clint, "Go home and get everything you can we are going to do the plan Alpha 13." Okay let me explain Alpha 13, its the codename for us because we are moving out of the city and onto a farm in a disclosed location outside of New York City and we haven't told anyone yet. He nodded, "C'mon Sarah, let's go." Then he whistled getting the attention of Beau and Lucky who were playing on the floor with Steve. The dogs ran to Clint who was waiting on the elevator. "I love you, see you after our girl's night." He looked back at me just as the elevator arrived with Natasha and the PJ's, "I love you too." Him, Sarah, and the dogs entered the elevator and left.

I looked at Steve, Bruce, Tony and Thor, "Do whatever you boys want, just leave us alone and don't disturb our girl's night." They all spoke at once, "Yes Ma'am." I chuckled and headed to the home theater, everyone was there, Netflix was pulled up, there were 3 bottles of vodka, 4 Pepsi's, 5 different kinds of candy, and I knew there was ice cream in the mini fridge. I grabbed my PJ's from Natasha who had already changed and put them on. We all wore similar pajamas, mine were some pajama pants with the Slytherin symbol on it and Clint's tee shirt, Natasha's were fluffy pants with Eeyore on them and one of Clint's black hoodies, Pepper's were some black pants with red hearts and one of Tony's ACDC tee shirts and Maria's were some fluffy pants with comic book Pows! on it and my blue hoodie. "Mrs. Barton the pizza man is here." I left the home theater and went to the living room, the pizza man was standing there while Tony was trying to bribe him to give him the pizzas. "OI! Tony back off." Tony turned to me and sheepishly smiled at me before moving away from the pizza man. The other boys laughed as he shuffled away.

I took the pizzas and gave him 45 dollars and a 10 dollar tip. "Thank you." I stuck my tongue out at Tony and went back to the theater. "Ready girls!" We all got a slice of pizza, a glass of Pepsi and a shot of vodka. Pepper looked at each of us, "So what's new?" All the girls turned and looked at me first, "Okay please don't freak out, but me, Clint and Sarah are moving to a new house." They all started yelling, "What?!?!?" "Don't worry! Sarah is still going to the same school, we are still agents and Avengers and we will still do these every month." They all calmed down and nodded accepting the fact that we wouldn't be as close anymore. "So Pep, you and Tony?" She blushed, "Well we haven't told each other we love each other yet but I really do love him and I hope I can say it to him soon and know that he will say it back."

We all awed, then I spoke, "JARVIS, make sure nobody else hears any of this and if anyone tries DO NOT let them, understand?" "Yes Mrs. Barton." "So Nat, Maria any guys for you yet?" Both shook their heads no, "I'm too busy being Fury's second in command to date." "And there is kinda, maybe someone I may consider but I'm too busy." We all looked at her, "Who?!?!?" She blushed, Natasha freaking Romanoff actually blushed, "Um, well, you see, um, maybe Bruce." I squealed, "Yes! Nat do it." She blushed even harder, "Can we just start a movie now?" I giggled, "Put on Grown Ups." And with that our girl's night was off with a hitch.

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