Chapter 7

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-AN Hey guys so this chapter is super long to make up for all the other short chapters there is no POV from A in this but there are many other POVs I did this chapter as a filler mainly so that I could do a better transition to the battle but I hope you all like it

Steve's P.O.V

After I helped Alexis up and she ran off to what I'm guessing is towards her room, me and Stark started running somewhere close to the bridge. Stark suddenly stops at a seemingly empty area, "Find engine 3 I'll meet you there."

I ran off in the direction of engine 3, when I got there the surviving workers were helping each other out of the debris. "Stark, Stark I'm here!" He flew to the turbines in his Ironman suit. "Good, let's see what we got." He started talking to himself about what he had to fix, "I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris." He started moving things around, trying to make a bigger hole so he could get to the turbine. "I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position." I jumped and grabbed onto a bar and swung myself to the deck the control panel was on.

When I landed, I pulled the panel out and looked at it confused. "What's it look like in there?" I heard Stark ask in my ear. "Well, it seems to run on some form of electricity." "Well you're not wrong." He started to explain to me what relays were wrong and how to fix them. "The relays are intact. What's our next move?" "Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm gonna have to get in there and push." I was shocked, there's no way he'd make it out of there alive. "If that thing gets up to speed, you'll be shredded!" He was quiet for a few seconds, as if thinking of a way to not get killed. "Then stay in the control unit and reverse polarity long enough to disengage mag-" I had no idea what he was talking about, "Speak English!" He sighed in slight annoyance, "See that red lever? It'll slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it, wait for my word." I looked over and saw the lever, I jumped to the deck and stood by the lever.

I couldn't hear what Stark was doing but I heard a slight hum and then a crash. My guess was he dislodged the debris and was now going to start pushing the turbines. When I glanced down at the lower deck, I saw hostile agents about to throw a grenade at the engine. I jumped as he threw it and smacked it out of the way causing it to go off in mid-air. I dropped to the lower deck and punched the one who threw the grenade, one of his partners grabbed me from behind and I threw him off the helicarrier. One of the men started shooting at me, I grabbed the gun that the man I threw off of the Carrier and threw it at him. I grabbed his gun and threw it to the deck where the lever was. I punched the man, but two more came around the corner and started shooting. I jumped up to where the gun I had just thrown was, grabbed it and started firing. I was backing up trying to get away from the bullets being fired at me.

I slipped on some loose gratings and fell off the Carrier. I had a moment of panic, but I was able to grab a cable, and at that moment was when Stark needed me to hit the lever. "Cap hit the lever." "I need a minute here!" "Lever! Now!" I hear in my comm the slight noise of metal on metal and a small uh oh from Stark. I started to pull myself up and finally made it to the deck. I kept hearing grinding in my comm, I hit the lever when my whole body was on the deck and the last agent started shooting at me again when Stark tackled him to the ground, knocking him out.

He stood up after laying on the ground for a second and removed his mask. Fury spoke into our comms, "Agent Coulson is down." I was stunned and by the look on Stark's face he was too. "And Loki-" He stopped and sighed "Loki has A." I heard a sharp inhale from Stark. I looked at him, "Let's head to the bridge and try to find a way to stop Loki and get back my best friend."

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