☆ Chapter 24 ☆

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☆ Chapter 24: Hot Dilfs in Your Area ☆


Jolyne's dad..

You never knew how hot he was. You could simply repeat 'damn' over and over as the three of you were now traveling towards the space center at a faster pace.

"Jolyne is in grave danger, I know it. I need to reach her..most likely the one attacking her is the one who stole my memories and my stand." He said.

"It probably is. His name is Enrico Pucci, Mr. Kujo. His stand must've evolved somehow." You commented.

Ermes eyed you. You were practically simping over this guy. What was he, 40? Jotaro narrowed his eyes. "..I see. Jolyne..how is she holding up."

You paused. "Well, she's doing fine enough for someone who escaped prison and lost two of her friends." You remarked. Ermes cut in. "Less talking, more moving!"

"Right. We can't waste anymore time." Jotaro spoke.

You were about to beat Pucci's ass. Now with a hot dilf in the area, you were unstoppable.


Jolyne gritted her teeth. Pucci had grown stronger, yet so had she. The two were currently facing off  as both had sustained a reasonable amount of injuries. Yet the Mobius Strip tactic she had uncovered was working quite well.

Pucci stared hatefully at his opponent. Jolyne had proved to be more dangerous to his plan every time he saw her. But he had to finish her, here and now..that was the goal. He gritted his teeth, before C-Moon delt a series of punches towards  Stone Free, his enemy in turn turning parts of C-Moon into mobius strips. 

'Damn you..damn you, Jolyne Cujoh!' He thought, before narrowing his eyes, jumping from wall to wall as his stand managed to land a few kicks. An opportunity, he just had to wait for it to arrive.

'What is he waiting for?!' Jolyne thought, getting a little angry. 'Whatever opportunity he tries to take, I won't  allow him to take it!' 

However, a dead security guard dropped down, his eyes rolled back in his head as his gun collided with the ground. Taking this chance, Pucci jumped towards it, snatching the gun. 'You can't turn your head into string, can you? Well..this is the end of you, Cujoh!'  He then fired the gun.


..But Jolyne was no longer there.


'No, no, NO!' Pucci gritted his teeth, looking around, only to hear a loud "ORA!" as a fist collided with his head, sending him flying into a frame.

Jolyne looked up at her father, who looked down at her. "..Nice job, Jolyne. I am proud of you." He told her. You smile a little bit, feeling a bit envious of this parent-child bond that had seemed to be mended, as Jotaro then threw the gun at Ermes. Ermes caught it as Jotaro then spoke.

"..Use that gun and shoot the priest." He said.

He then turned to look at Pucci for a moment. "I found these two trying to climb towards the space center..I helped them, but luckily the Speedwagon Foundation supplied us with spears we used as anchors."

Ermes nodded. "I used Kiss to make a duplicate to carry Y/N and I upwards while Mr. Kujo used the other one."

"..You're at a disadvantage now, Pucci." You said, before glaring at him. "..Just as I wanted to see you."

"..It's a good thing..I made it on time." Jotaro then finished off your explanation.

Pucci, for once, felt nervous. You were right..he was at a disadvantage..how was he going to achieve heaven, against 6 stand users who wanted him dead when it wasn't even time to achieve heaven.

Suddenly, a thought occured.

What if he didn't wait..what if he sped up the process? He could simulate what he had to wait for with C-Moon.

He didn't have to wait so long after all...

Pucci began to float.


Something was wrong. You saw the look in Pucci's eyes..

You knew him better than anyone else here. 

Pucci had a plan..

You were oddly silent. The others felt like victory was a mere step away. Yet you felt a sick feeling in your stomach, a feeling of unease.

"You're surrounded, Father Pucci!" Emporio yelled. 

 Your eyes immediately flicked to Emporio for a moment, your breath hitched in your throat as you crouched next to Ermes, returning your gaze to the priest who was bloodied, clutching the frame as he had a look, a look that you knew meant he realized something, then at Jolyne and Jotaro. 

Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Oi, Y/N!" You looked at Ermes, who returned your stare with an expression of slight concern. "You look unnerved. What's wrong? We're going to kill Pucci now. Aren't you supposed to be saying some salty ass one liner right now?" The Mexican-American asked. "No, something feels off. Something isn't right." You replied, turning your gaze back to Pucci. 

You suddenly looked back at Ermes.

"Ermes, shoot him! You need to shoot him right now!"

Pucci had begun to float, so Ermes immediately shot at him. However, C-Moon deflected the bullets.

You saw Jotaro place Jolyne down out of the corner of your eye, but suddenly, C-Moon swatted the spear that had been flung at him away. You saw Jotaro, frozen in shock as he was unable to say anything.

The priest then said the words that confirmed your concern. That sent shivers down your spine.

"I finally realized! When you forced me into the frame! That my allies are the Kujos!"

He continued to rise up, making you jump up as Anasui shouted "What the hell?! The priest is floating up towards the sky!"

 Your heartbeat raced, as your eyes were wide. 'He doesn't need to wait any longer...whatever is going to happen next, it's not going to be pretty!' You thought, staring in a mix of awe and fear as Pucci continued to rise.

A bright light was emitted from Pucci, like came out of him, in beams. Anasui gritted his teeth, jumping at him. "Diver Down!"

"Anasui, wait! Pucci-- he has found a way t-"

Anasui let out a shocked shout, as when he attempted to fire a punch at Pucci, Diver Down's arm dissolved.

And out from Diver Down's arm..came a new stand.

The time for heaven was now.


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