♡ Valentine's Special ♡

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love day, romance

why not make love day chapter? 


You sat in the driver's seat of the car, driving it down the road. After convincing the others to not let a literal child drive, you had been volunteered by Ermes to drive instead. "Well, the last time I drove a car, I accidentally ran over some random guy on my way to Taco Bell. I'm sorry if I kill any of you." You had said.

"Wait, maybe we shouldn't let Y/N drive." Jolyne stated, only to be elbowed by Ermes. "Nah, let the gal drive, Jolyne." She said with a grin. Anasui glared at Ermes. "Hey, don't elbow Jolyne like that! Also, Y/N, if you get too scared, just squeeze my hand, okay?" He grinned at you. "Why is he in the passenger's seat, again?" Ermes asked. Weather Report turned his head towards the woman. "Because he bribed Foo Fighters to swap spots with him." He whispered. 

Everyone's head turned towards F.F, who smiled innocently at them. "I thought it would be nice for Anasui to have some bonding time with Y/N." She told the group. Jolyne groaned. "Just drive, Y/N. Can we stop at a gas station? I reallllyyyy have to pee." She complained. You nodded. "Yea, sure."

As you drove, Anasui would every now and then attempt to touch your shoulder, but after getting told off by Jolyne, started to try and touch her instead. To distract yourself from the chaos, you turned on the radio.

'For I can't help, falling in love with you..' Elvis sang to you. "Ooh, Elvis. My favorite." You stated, as you soon spotted a gas station, and immediately swerved into the parking lot, causing Ermes to fall over, nearly crushing poor Emporio. "Okay, while Jolyne's going to the bathroom, you all can stay here. I'm gonna go see if they have any Mickey Mouse Clubhouse chicken nuggets." You stated, getting out of the car. "Hey, Y/N, can I come?" Anasui asked. "Nah man, I'm taking Emporio." You stated.

So, you, Emporio and Jolyne entered the gas station, Jolyne immediately locating a bathroom, and going inside. "Hey, Emporio. Look at this. There's some little candy hearts here. You know, the ones that say 'Be Mine' and 'XOXO'. Do you think Anasui would freak out if I gave some to Jolyne? He really seems to like her a lot." You spoke. Emporio looked up at you. "U-Uh, yea, maybe. He might just freak out if you give it to everybody but him." He stated. 

"That's what's gonna happen. Time to neglect Anasui." You stated, before realizing what you came here for. "Wait, before I do that, I have to look for those chicken nuggets." You began searching around the store, as Emporio followed you around. Eventually, you spotted a disney logo on a box of chicken nuggets, and snatched them. "Finally! I-" You then stared down at the box. "What the fuck is this? Winnie the Pooh chicken nuggets?! I want Mickey! Where the hell are the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse chicken nuggets?!" You stated.

"Uh..Y/N, perhaps we should go..?" Emporio tugged at your sleeve. "Huh? Yea, I guess. If there's no Mickey..I'd rather starve!" You complained. Emporio just led you out of the store, acting more like a parent then he should. However, both of you stopped, staring at the car.

Everyone had exited the car, and was now staring at you and Emporio. Jolyne soon came out of the store as well, and paused. "Why are they all just..standing there?" She asked. "I was wondering the same." You replied. You heard laughter, and looked up to see a figure dressed up in red and pink.

"What the fuck is that abomination."

"Oh~~ hello, Jolyne and Y/N! I just happened to be sent by the priest~! And, it's now Valentine's Day!" He chirped. "It's not Valentine's Day." You stated. "Oh, shut up! While you were in the store, I activated my stand ability, Keep On Loving You!" The enemy stated. "What the fuck does that do, Cupid?" You taunted.

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