4. The fight

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Ever since that night Lisa wasn't really keen on attending her class cause she knew that whatever took over her during the argument with Pihu is just a one time thing and Pihu is probably planning ways to torment her in thousand ways possible.
The classes went as fast as it could. After that Lisa went to the cafe for her iced Americano. She put her headphones on and was busy with her music. Sipping on her drink she started reading an article. She had ordered a burger and was waiting for it. The burger came and she started eating. Just then she saw the group coming towards her. She quickly looked down and continued eating. After she was done she stood up and walked past them.
"It takes a lot to be a slut and be shameless about it ", Pihu commented loudly and everybody laughed. Lisa dreaded this game that Pihu plays. She can literally turn the entire college against anyone when she wanted and it looks like Lisa was her target now. Lisa was walking out the door when V just knocked on to her.
"I am sorry, I dint see you." Lisa apologized and looked up.
"M sorry I should be mindful. U ok??" V replied.
She fake smiled. V said ,"you seem to be in a hurry. Are you going somewhere?"
"No. I just wanted to head towards my room."
V: "Would you mind waiting for me a few minutes? I just need to grab something from one of the guys."
L: "umm... I don't think its a good idea. You can just have fun with them. "
Joon interrupted,"V you need the drive or not?" Both V and Lisa looked at his direction. Pihu was with him an evil smile in place.
"Wait here," V quickly said and went to Joon. Lisa was anxious.
"Why don't you join us?" Joon called out to her. Everyone fell silent. "Babe, what are you doing?" Pihu said looking shocked.
"Why would I let a wanna be just stand there and look at us in awe and not just invite her to have a glimpse of our lives?" Everyone laughed hearing this. "What the hell, dude?" V shouted.
Lisa was in tears she couldn't take it anymore.
Later at night she sat down listening to some songs and thought about what had happened. It was highly unlikely that someone would perceive her that way. It was hurting her. She dint know how she could handle all this but she decided to brush all of this aside.
The next morning she woke up and quickly got ready for her class. Her mom called and she talked for a while and then asked her to come home for a week. Lisa thought it would be a good idea to take a break from college and all the drama. She agreed. It was a ray of hope and she looked forward to it.
"Lisa don't worry. He isn't a good person anyway. He is dating the most inhuman bitch in our college. What does that make him? He is not worth your time babe." Mandy consoled her as she sat next to her in class.
Just than a senior entered their class and went to Lisa. Everybody noticed him walking towards her.
"Thanks for the book. Let's hang out after classes today." He said.
"Yeah, that would be good. You owe me a treat anyway." Lisa smiled as she said that.
"See you later Lizzy." The guy turned around and started walking away.
Lisa was in a better mood already. It was her childhood friend Harvey aka Hobi(she called him that since they were in kindergarten). They were family friends. He was a year older than her and it was a very beautiful bond they had with each other.
Then the day went on as usual. After college Lisa decided to wait for Harvey in the cafe. As she walked there she saw Joon entering and she let out a sigh. She went in and sat as far as she could from Joon. She put on her headphone and started looking at her phone.
"Did u order?" Hobi asked as he took the chair opposite of her.
L: "Nope. I was waiting for you."
H: "So what would you have?"
L: "Lets order sandwiches and coffee."
L and H : "and fries."
Both laughed loudly without giving a damn in the world. Their laughter caught attention of few people.
Harvey was a popular guy. He was a genius. He had published papers and is an author of a book that has done incredibly well business. Yet he is highly introverted and dint even bother looking at people who he dint consider friends.
Joon noticed both of them together and couldn't understand the connection. He felt uneasy looking Lisa with Harvey. He decided to talk to her. He walked up to her.
Joon: " Hey, Lisa can you come out i need to talk to you."
Lisa: "No. I am busy."
He looked at her let out a sigh and then proceeded to hold her arm to pull her up and take her outside.
Hobi was looking at all this. He stood up immediately and stopped Joon who was now very angry. He tried to punch Hobi but missed and now Hobi held his nape and pushed him away.
"Stay 10 steps away from her. Got it??" Hobi said in a stern yet very calm voice.
Joon backed off and was glaring at both Lisa and Hobi.
Lisa was terrified to the point where her fear turned to anger if even that was possible.
"M so sorry, I don't know why they pick on me. I try to ignore them as much as I can." Lisa said Hobi.
"Come on. These people don't have anything better to do. And I heard what happened at the party. M impressed you stood up for yourself Lizzy." He smiled at her. By the time they went to their own hostels it was evening and Lisa simply forgot about the incident. It was always good to be with Hobi. She loved him to bits ❤

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