Chapter 6: Lucky (Monday POV)

Start from the beginning

The thing is, we are too poor right now, so we only have one lightstick between the seven of us.

"Yah yah!" a new voice joined in breaking my train of thought. "I could hear the commotion from the corridor. Is it about APink sunbaenim's comeback?"

That was Jiyoon by the way. She just returned from the PlayM building after picking up her laptop.

"Unnie!" Jihan was delighted to see her. "Can you help us find the PANDA lightstick? It's Inkigayo later and we need to watch APink sunbaenim sing their fan song!"

"Oh that~" Jiyoon laughed. "미안해, I borrowed it earlier today because I needed it for a sketch for sunbaenim's debut anniversary. Don't worry I brought it back!"

Wait, Jiyoon is back. So I can leave the room!

"SHIN JIYOON!" I burst out. "Quick take the lightstick out~! And you should have come back sooner, being in the room alone is suffocating!"

"But Soojin unnie's orders, you know..." Jiyoon sighed. "And it's for your sake anyway."

Anyway, with the lightstick and our tablets in hand, Jihan and I quickly turned on the TV in our dorm. We were just in time as the Inkigayo MCs began their introduction speeches. Instead of joining us, Jiyoon went to her room, which she shared with Soojin unnie.

"Awww," Jihan squealed after watching the MCs, "I really want to host a music show too! It looks fun to interact with so many artists!"

"Maybe after we debut," I suggested, "and I'm sure you will make a good MC with your personality!"

At last, it was APink's time to sing their fan song...and it was beautifully sung. True, I already listened to the audio when the album was released, but to see your favourite group sing the song live is a whole different feeling. I hugged the lightstick tightly as the flower petals rained onto the stage, reminding myself how lucky I am to be a PANDA in the same company as APink.

Inkigayo ended soon after with APink getting the music show win for 'Dumhdurum'; a fitting conclusion for their anniversary celebrations. It dawned upon me that one day, our anniversary celebrations will be like that too. Our team wanted to be like APink; to last long.

I decided to pop into Jiyoon's room to check on what she was up to. Thankfully she is the less strict member when it comes to taking care of me. SoSoo are the over-protective ones.

Jiyoon was sitting on her bed, her long hair slightly covering her face. I stared at her for a while knowing that she is planning to cut it shorter soon and keep that new hairstyle. She had her laptop out and some video cameras set up. Is she recording something for our Youtube channel?

"Ah Kim Jimin!" she noticed my presence. "Nice timing; I need your help with this video camera since you are quite good with them!"

"What are we filming?" I walked towards Jiyoon's bed.

"Sharing with the fans a song I composed," she explained. "It's called 'Lucky' and it reflects my feelings towards being happy to have close friends like y'all."

"Aww~ we are glad to be your close friends!" I eye-smiled as I set up the camera.

"I know you do," Jiyoon winked. "I'm glad we can share our thoughts without regrets like this~"

Yeah...I wish the same.

"Oh and set it up such that it gives a more homely feel," Jiyoon added. "This is like a mini-concert!"

Home...yeah I really should find time to meet my parents about what has been happening to me. I might find answers there. It really is lucky that I have them to lean on, but you have to feel for the people who never had parent figures in their life. For some reason, I felt that thought was going to come back to haunt me.

Shaking my concerns away, I pressed record and Jiyoon began her mini-concert from home.

~ ~ ~

A/N: Ever wondered how PANDAs like Monday cheer on APink? Well, now you know. Also, will Monday speak to her parents about her memories?

A little different kind of chapter this time as a tension-reliever. So glad that Monday being a PANDA gave me an excuse to share APink content in a plot where they are originally not meant to be in. Will probably plug them in every now and then, but I'll stress again that 'Long Lost KPop Siblings' is a different timeline altogether. You should still read the series though~

As I was writing this chapter, some drama came up regarding Hyunjin. Ok, not her specifically, but fellow Hyunjin stans were ridiculed by stans from a more popular (boy) group saying that Hyunjin 'stole' their members' nickname/personality. TLDR, I am standing with the Hyunjin stans because every aeong and meow meow she makes is unique to her. Her assigned animal is a cat after all. To close off this chapter note, let us work towards being harmonious on social media and don't try to start fan wars over petty matters like this.

(I may be a small account, but I hope I can be a meaningful voice for those who can't speak up)

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