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Stevie is in the studio working on her

song angel, she's got the lyrics in front

of her on the music stand, she picks the paper up and accidentally drops the

it, before she can get it she says

"Bobbies, please don't burn that"

he drops his matches and waddles

away with the paper, once he's out of

the room Stevie chases him, he all of

a sudden sets her paper on fire, she

pulls out her fire phone,upon dialing

John's number Bobbies waddles away,

she starts to follow him but looses

him, she calls John but gets no answer,

she calls Lindsey

"Hey, Linds its me"

"hey what's up?"

"is John home?"

"lemme see... no cars gone"

"if you see him, tell him i had a run in

with Bobbies, and before i could call

him Bobbies disappeared"

"i will... when did this happen?"

"just now"


"lyrics, nothing major"

"sorry... well hey gotta go, i'll tell

John for you"

" okay bye"

he hangs up and she goes back to

the studio.......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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