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Stevie has just finished a gig at Hyde

park, she ended her set with Stop

Draggin My Heart Around, she walks

backstage and a woman walks up to

her, the woman says

"that was really good, you're really

talented,i just wanted to tell you that in

person" "thank you"

"i'm Shania, by the way"

"that country artist?"

"yeah, that's me"

"it's nice to meet you" "you too"

"come on, Tom's set is about to start"

they walk over to the side of the Stage

and watch Tom's set, a little less than

halfvvay through his set Stevie hears

the sound of a lighter, her breathing

increases and she turns around to see

one of Tom's crew members having

a smoke, she breathes a sigh Of relief

and turns back around, but out of the

corner Of her eye as she's turning back

towards the stage she sees a black

and white blob under the table, she

thinks to herself

"it's not him, he's not here, i'm just

seeing things"

next thing she knows the tablecloth

is burning and the food is in flames,

Stevie tries not to scream and calmly

pulls out her phone, she realizes she

doesn't have international calling and

panics, she sends Waddy to go get

Karen and he does, she asks Karen who

has international calling to call John

and gives her the number, Stevie takes

the phone from her

"John? yeah hi, i'm good, look the

reason i'm calling is your penguin, he's

here in Hyde Park, he just set the food

table on fire, i don't want to worry

anyone, especially since Tom's onstage

doing his set but it's bad"

"sorry Stevie, nothing i can do you're

too far away"

"right, so what do i do?"

"wait i 've got it, put me on speaker

she puts him on speaker and he says

"Bobbies? hey buddy, it's John, you need

to stop this and come home, it's for

your own good, you don't want me to

send you away do you?"

the penguin waddles out from under

the table and walks over to stevie,

he looks at her then turns to waddle

away, Stevie hears

"is that a penguin?"

"yeah, long story short, john adopted a

penguin semi-tusk era and taught it to

set things on fire, it randomly shows up

wherever one Of us is and starts a fire,

he won't get rid Of it so because of that,

it continues to set stuff on fire, makes

us mad at times"

"well i'd be mad too ifi were you"

"yeah but at the end of the day, he's our

bandmate, no use crying over spilled

milk, we always forgive him, it's not

his fault, and as long as we keep him

out Of trouble then no one needs to

know he exists"

"It'd be like mr.poppers penguins"

"That's what we were afraid of, I mean

a dozen penguins starting fires, Oh god

that isn't a pretty image"

The two finish watching the set then

go to dinner together afterwards then

go to their hotels.

The fabulous misadventures of the fire starting PenguinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя