· ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴇᴀᴛ

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--The Next day-- --Mirko's Pov--

I met with Hawks at a small what seemed to be a small store. I saw Hawks leaning against the wall. He wore his casual clothes, along with a hat and mask. I'm assuming so he wouldn't be noticed. Though, I don't think his huge wings helped that. I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets and walked over to him. "Hey birdbrain" I said, causing him to look of from whatever he was doing on his phone.

"Look who made it" he said, using his foot to push himself off the wall. He chuckled and walked over to me. "I'm surprised you didn't wuss out" he said

" As if I would." I scoffed at him. Hawks chuckled a little harder and shook his head. "Don't worry, I know this person well. She's the one that pierced my ears, so your in good hands" He said, reassuring me. He opened the door and held it open for me. I rolled my eyes and entered the shop. I looked around at all the different posters and decorations around the shop.

"Can I help you?"

I immediately turned my head to look at the voice that spoke to me. I laid eyes on an average height, brown skin female. She was actually very beautiful.

"She's with me, Y/N" Hawks said, walking in behind me and pulling his mask down.

"Long time no see, birdy" Y/N said with a smile. "What can I do for ya?" she asked.

"My little friend here, yeah she lost a bet and I want her to get a simple tongue piercing" He said. "Nothing too flashy" he added.

"Alright, take a seat for me" Y/N said, pointing to the chair beside her. I nodded and sat down. She began to get everything ready, setting them on a tray next to where I sat. She pulled to black gloves over her hand and began sterilize the equipment. Then she filled up a cup with water then handed it to me. "Wash your mouth out" she said, kind of sternly. I grabbed the cup and did what she asked, spitting the water in a nearby sink. I sat back and watched her move around.

"You ever gotten a piercing before?" she asked

"Only my ears. That's it." I said. "Will it hurt?" I asked, kind of scared.

"Nah. Only a small pinch. Then it'll be over" she said. "Stick your tongue out" she said. I did as she said and stuck my tongue out. She grabbed the tip of my tongue and leaned in, only inches away from my face. I flinched a little at how close she was and slightly blushed. She then placed the cold forceps clamps on my tongue. "Don't move" she said as she grabbed a needle. She put the tip of the needle against my tongue. "I'm gonna count down from three. K?" she said. "One...two...three" Right after she said three I felt a slight pain. It didn't last very long. She grabbed the piercing bar and put it in my tongue. She screwed the other ball on and stepped away. "All done" she said, taking her gloves off and throwing them away, along with the used needle. "Rinse your mouth out again" she said. I nodded and grabbed the same cup from earlier. After rinsing my mouth out, I walked over to the mirror to check it out. It didn't look bad at all.

--3rd Person Pov--

Mirko walked over to Hawks and nudged his shoulder.

"All done?" he asked. She stuck out her tongue in response to show him.

"It looks good" he said. He went over to Y/N and handed her the money to pay for her work. "Thanks"

"No problem" she said. Then she turned to me and smiled. "Now we match" she said, causing Mirko to raise an eyebrow. She stuck out her tongue and pointed to her own piercing. That made the hero smile and slightly blush.

She closed her mouth and chuckled. "Drop by sometime" she said, waving to us. They both waved back and walked out the door.

"Hey uh.. you don't happen to have her number...do you?" Mirko asked the winged man.

"I do, why'd ya ask?" he questioned. "Don't tell me you find her cute" he teased

"Look, I just asked for her number, not your dumbass comments" Mirko said said in annoyance. She quickly snatched his phone and went straight to his contacts and eventually found her name. Mirko typed her number into her own phone and saved her contact under the name "cute piercer" Afterward, she tossed Hawk's phone back and then began to make her way home. "Thanks Hawks!" she yelled, walking off.

Hawks shook his head and put his phone away. As he was walking, he realized that he wasn't called 'birdbrain' for once. "Someone's in a good mood"

--time skip-- --Mirko's Pov--

As soon as I got home, I kicked my shoes off and changed into some more comfortable clothes to lounge around in. I flopped down on my bed and unlocked my phone. I went to my messages to create a new chat with Y/N. I was just about to start typing before I came to a stop. "Should I do this...?" I questioned myself. Then I shook my head. "Why the hell am I questioning myself?"

I picked my phone back up, bringing my thumbs up to the keyboard. Just as I was ready to type I stopped again. "What do I even say?"

So then I sat there for the next couple of minutes, staring at my phone, trying to put together a simple sentence. One that didn't sound to creepy or weird. I huffed and just stopped overthinking what to say. I began to glide my thumbs against the screen of my phone and type it out.

(A/N: imma make this quick, this is Y/N's Pov on phone if that makes sense. ok byee)

Unknown Number



Who's this?

Unknown Number

Oh its Mirko, we met earlier today


Ohh okay. Hey!

Unknown Number

I probably should've started with that, my bad


Nah its alright. but how'd u get my number?

Unknown Number

Uhh Hawks gave it to me.


Okay okay, what did u need? something wrong?

Unknown Number

No no, nothings wrong. I just wanted to know if you would like to go out sometime?


Sure, do u have a date set? i'll see if im free

Unknown Number

maybe sometime friday? Thats my next off day


i can work with that. cya then Mirko

Unknown Number

okay okay, see you. i'll pick you up at 8

--Y/N's Pov--

I will admit, getting a random text from Mirko was kind of weird...but I won't say I'm not excited. After our little chat, I changed her name in my phone as 'bunny girl' I smiled to myself and saved her number. "Friday, huh?" I said to myself. "Alrighty. Friday it is, Mirko"


Chapter End.

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