➷ Giorno | Precious Sun

Start from the beginning

The power was both new and slightly frightening yet you were happy to be able to help your mother during difficult battles while also growing close with her. What made your time in the past even more pleasant was when you met the past version of your father.

Everything felt like it was alright, and in the end, you were happy.

Until you weren't.

When your mother, or Sunna as she now wishes to be called, learned of your true identity her attitude toward you changed. For some reason, Sunna began to show signs of contempt for you. The loving eyes of the young woman who'd someday become your mother became hateful.

You didn't understand why.

So whenever Sunna's hate-filled gaze became too much you'd go to your father for comfort.

That only seemed to worsen your mother's attitude toward you.

You were but a simple child, alone in a time not your own, trying to save your home only to be hated by the very one you adored.

So now, the only thing you could do is steer clear of Sunna and your father to cry away your pain.

Your precious Taro, a gift from your mother, brought you little comfort.

With tears still running down your cheeks, you slip into a fitful sleep, unaware of someone's watchful gaze.

As you fall deeper into your sleep, you enter your very own dreamscape. It was the Sol Kingdom's garden, a place you once found comfort in. At the moment, you pay no attention to the beautiful landscape as you sob softly.

Strangely enough, Taro has entered the dreams with you.

Lifting up the stuffed lion you ask, "Taro, why does mother hate me? Does she still love me?"

You wished for an answer though you knew you wouldn't receive one.

Feeling more tears fall, you turn your head when you hear the soft utterance of your name.


The familiar voice halts your tears momentarily as you stare at the beautiful Pegasus standing not far from you.

It couldn't be and yet...

Your lip trembles as you stand to your feet, running toward the Equidae with a "Gio!"

With Taro still clutched in one hand, you wrap your tiny arms around the Pegasus' head while saying "I missed you!"

"I missed you, too." The Pegasus nuzzles you gently before lifting his head from your embrace.

You make no protest as he transforms into his bipedal form, the horn upon his head still present. 

Hugging Taro, you tentatively ask "You're really here, but aren't you a different Gio?"

Giorno eyes Taro with disdain but smiles all the same as he responds with "No matter the time, I am me, my little Sun."

The smile you give the Pegasus resembles the light of a thousand suns, warming up his cold heart as you throw yourself into his arms.

Though as quickly as your smile appeared, your happiness was once again replaced by sadness.

Giorno holds your shaking form close, rubbing soothing circles into the small of your back.

"Why do you cry, my Sun," he asks with a frown.

Though Giorno knew the reason, he wanted to hear the answer from you.

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