work life drama

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I woke up to the sound of music being blasted throughout the house. I laid very still, trying to think of what I could use as a weapon to defend myself, and then relaxed when I realized it was probably Rowan. She demanded I give her a key after I my mom died and my mental health started to worsen. Rowan was very much my rock and basically lived here with me. She says she stays over often because she likes my neighborhood more than hers but I know it's so she can make sure I don't off myself. Not that I haven't tried too. I have. And well obviously none of them really took. So she has been coming over sometimes to make sure I'm eating and sleeping properly. It's not like I don't appreciate it either it just gets a bit suffocating when she's here and it's lonely when she isn't.

I got up taking the time to stretch out and yawn loudly. I glance at my phone and dread fills my stomach as I look at all my work emails I have to answer.
"god I really do have to do everything myself don't I?" I mutter to myself as I went downstairs to greet Rowan.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" She smiled huge shoving the plate into my face. I manage a small smile back grabbing the plate and sitting at the table.

"It's seven am and I'm so sleepy I don't have time for your optimism right now." She laughed and leaned her head on my shoulder as an apology.

"Well I'm sorry for feeding my second favorite person!"

"Yeah who's your first favorite then?"

"Maddie obviously!"

We chatted for a bit, really just catching up on what new exciting thing Rowan is doing while I'm stuck working as the ceo of some company I didn't even want.

"So Reggie what do you have planned today?" She wagged her fork in my face and I snatched it from her to keep it from hitting my face.

"Work like usual though I am meeting Narcissa and Lily for lunch." Maddie nodded to show she was paying attention and stayed silent. "Oh and you remember Kendall?"

"That one hot guy from your work?" She wiggled her eyebrows and slid closer to me.

"I mean I guess sure" I shrugged. Kendall was genuinely attractive and such a great person, but I just can't see myself liking him like that. "He invited me to see some movie with him."

"OH MY GOD" I covered my ears as she yelled since she was so close to me. I shot her a glare and mouthed the words sorry back to me. "But Regulus why didn't you tell me you were going on a date earlier!!" She squealed slapping my arm. I looked at her confused. Date? No we were just going to see a movie and then I can come home and go into my room to cry over James for another five years.

"I'm not?" She huffed and rolled her eyes like she was so utterly done with me.

"Regulus are you sure this isn't a date." I nod slowly unsure of myself anymore and she just groans and stands up. "Well then I gotta meet up with Maddie soon. Have fun on your not date! Bye love!" She blows a kiss in my direction before shutting the door behind her.

I sat there in the silence that remained for a full minute, before I got anxious and got a weird feeling in my stomach. So I got up quickly to get ready for work.

In another boring old suit and tie I entered the job I despise.  I said polite hellos to my employees and try to avoid having conversations with any of them. A relief crashed over me once I successfully got in my office without having to speak to anymore for more than a minute. Once I made sure everyone was working I took out my notebook to start drawing. When I was younger I dreamed of being a painter. Maybe traveling the world seeing everything, painting scenery, drawing unsuspecting strangers on the street without a single worry. But sometimes dreams don't come true so we move on. I do try to draw whenever I can though. I have notebooks filled with drawings, mainly portraits of James or deer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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