Chapter 3 [ Fools & The Rabbit ]

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She was riding her bicycle to deliver flowers like any other day, when she arrived at the place, she suddenly encountered three men and they started catcalling her as soon as she arrives. One whistled at her, another called her names, while the third followed along. She tried her best to ignore them because she thought if she reacted to them, they would like it. She took the flowers from the basket and delivers them to the person.

A few minutes later she was going back to her bicycle but before she even got near to her bicycle, the three men that catcalled her block her way, standing in front of her, and soon enough was slowly surrounding her and talking creepily to her. She tried to act tough "Get out of my way!" but they continued even more.

Suddenly, a voice of man was heard shouting "YAH!"

The three men reacted to the sound and look at the man that shouted and there he was.. Onew. He approached casually, pushing the creepy men aside for him to pass through them and get to where she is standing.

He looked at her with concern and asked "Are you okay?"

She replied "Yes"

One of the three men suddenly interrupted and asked daringly "YAH! WHO ARE YOU?! GET OUT OF HERE YOU FOOL!"

Onew turned his head slightly and gazed at the men without a word.

"He thinks he is tough huh. Boys, let's teach this man a lesson" he said before the three men moved forward, cracking their knuckles. One of them put his hand on Onew's shoulder.

Onew gazed at him for a second before grabbing onto the men's hand and twist his arm. The man groaned loudly while slowly getting on his knees. Other men approached with his fist swaying to punch Onew. Onew quickly reacted to his actions by dodging his punch, as soon as the man missed his punches, Onew uses his elbow to knock the back of his head to knock the man down and he groaned in pain while falling down to the ground. The last man is frightened as Onew gazed at him. "I will come back to you." he said to Onew before looking at his fallen boys "Let's go! Get up!" they soon got up slowly, placing their palms on the spot that hurt on their body and they all ran away from Onew and her.

Onew looked at her and asked concerningly "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." she said then she continues saying "Thank you."

"Not a problem. Delivering flowers?" Onew asked.

"Yes, I am. What are you here for?" she replied.

"I'm just here for a visit." Onew said before pointing at the grave site nearby and continued asking "Do you need a ride? I'll put your bike at the back of the car."

"Sure. I'd appreciate that." She replied.

Onew took the bicycle and goes to his car and place the bike at the back while she got in the car and sit at front seat.
After he placed the bicycle at the back, he goes to the driver's seat.

He noticed she didn't put her seat belt on so he moves in and stretch out his arm to reach the seat belt and pulls to lock it in the other side of her. She got flustered with his action and went stiff before saying "Thank you."

"You should always put it on for safety." Onew said as he put on his seat belt and starts the engine.

'He is very sweet' she thought to herself.

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