· ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴛ

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--3rd person Pov--

"God damnit...how'd I lose?" Mirko said. "More over, to you of all people?" In defeat, she slumped down in he seat and huffed.

"Haha, don't feel bad Mirko. It's only one bet" said the blond-haired male, him puffing his bright red wings up in triumph.

"Ahhh whatever...what do I have to do, you damn birdbrain" Mirko asked. She and Hawks made a bet while walking from a recent bank robbery. The heroes had already taken care of the situation and decided to go out for a small celebration.

--flashback-- --Mirko's Pov--

"Hey birdbrain! Wait up" I said, running over to the now number two ranked hero, Hawks.

"Would you stop calling me birdbrain? It's getting really annoying." Hawks deadpanned.

"Uhm...nope. Anyways, I say we celebrate for the big bust. Food and drinks." I said, slapping his back. "I'll even pay for it"

"Well...I guess I can't pass up free food" He said, scratching his chin and that disappointment of a beard. "Alright, but we gotta invite Endeavor, though." Hawks said. Which made me groan.

"Do we have to? He's so stiff and such a pain in the ass" I said with disgust in my voice.

"Cmon, he's trying" Hawks said, attempting to convince me. I loudly and exaggeratedly groaned.

"Finneeee" I said, crossing my arms. "I guess he can come"

--At the bar--

"Hey Mirko" Hawks said, causing me to turn my head. "Let's make a bet" he said. I took the drink away from my lips. Before talking I swallowed and raised an eyebrow, cockily. "You know your gonna lose, right?" I said, setting down the glass I had in my hand.

"Heh, not this time. I bet you can't eat as many spicy chicken wings as me" Hawks said, crossing his arms.

"Okay. What's the catch?" I said with a smirk.

"Simple. I win, you do what I say and vise versa." he said. Then he held out his hand to me "You in?" he asked. I chuckled then grabbed his hand to shake it. "Bet your ass I am"

--End of flashback-- --3rd Pov--

""Ahhh whatever...what do I have to do, you damn birdbrain" Mirko asked.

"Hmm...you have to get a piercing" Hawks said, holding up his index finger. "Of my choice" he said, with a smirk.

"What?!" Mirko yelled, slamming her hands against the table, causing others to looker way. "Like hell I am. Nuh uh" she objected

"No no no bugs bunny, we made a bet" Hawks said with a sly smirk. "You have to go through with it"

"Fucking hell..."

--Mirko's Pov--

Since me and Hawks were both intoxicated and maybe a little bit tipsy, Endeavor had to call us rides home. He got separate rides and Hawks came first. So I stood outside with Endeavor. There was an awkward silence between us and a hella thick tension. That is until he spoke up.

"Don't worry about paying me back" He said, his voice a little less booming and aggressive than usual.

"Wasn't planning on it old man" I said with a yawn. He looked over at me both confused and offended.

"What?" I said, catching his glare. "Take a damn joke gramps" I said.

"Would it kill you to show a little respect to your elders?" he asked. I'm assuming he was trying to joke as well.

"Actually yes. It would, especially to you." I said. Then my cab pulled in front of the both us.

"And just what do you mean by that Mirko?" he asked

"Nothing, byeeee" I said, quickly getting into the cab. "Could ya step on it?" I asked the driver, them giving me a nod in return.

I leaned back in the seat and leaned my head against the window. I watched other cars, lights, and buildings fly past us...or rather we flew past them.

A few minutes later and I was now in front of my penthouse. I jumped out of the car and thanked the driver before they drove off. I stretched my arms and began making my way inside of the building. There were a bunch of other refined and stuck-up business people who lived inside the penthouses, so I never had to worry about being swarmed or stopped by any of the residents.

I hopped on the elevator and went up to the top floor, where my home was. I got off and stumbled over to my door, using my key to get in. I pushed the door open then immediately went to go shower. I reeked the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke...what do you expect from a bar?


After my shower, I dried my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I let out a yawn as I went to turn all the lights around the house off. I walked back to my room, closing my door behind me, putting my phone on its charger, then finally jumping on the bed. I sighed in relief as I let my body relax against the warm blankets. I got all comfortable and laid on my back, starring up at the ceiling. My eyelids began to get heavy and I soon drifted off to sleep.


Chapter End.

A/N: look i know this is kinda short, but cmon work with me. longer chapters are sure to come

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