A dare to go back in time! (Broppy)

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User34808498 said: I dare snack pack broppy, going to the past in a time machine, in high school.

Author: reads the rest in her head. "Alrighty do!"

Poppy and Branch looks at the author with a confused look.

Poppy: "uh author are you okay?"

Author:"oh yea yea I'm okay I just can't wait to see this" she snaps her fingers as all three of them blink they are transported into the past. They end up seeing themselves as kids  "oohhhh you guys looked so cute!"

Our Poppy: "oh I remember this day" she said with a slight annoyance in her voice

Our Branch: "yea me too" he huffed "that traitor .. "

Teenage Poppy was walking to go and say hello to one of her bestest of friends and her crush creek... But as she went to go say hi she  saw the worst thing she could have ever seen... teenage creek was making out with another troll. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, so she decided to turn away and run somewhere to be able to cry just to herself... But as soon as she went to run away she had bumped into a troll and they both fall landing on their butts their books scrambled on the floor.

Poppy: sniffling lightly and collected the other trolls books "oh ... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! I want looking where I was going and..." She looked up seeing the teenage grey Branch.

Teenage Branch: he sighed and took  his books rolling his eyes "it's okay.. but maybe you sho-" he looked at her seeing tears falling from her eyes "are you okay?" He knew asking could possibly  mean that he was about to get a long scrapbook explaination, which he dreaded, but to his surprise she wasn't scrapbooking... He knew something was wrong.

Teenage Poppy: "it's ... It's just... I saw creek with another girl and ... And ... " She started to cry and fel him pull her close to him which made her cry onto his shoulder which slightly started to make her calm down. Suddenly his reassuring shoulder resting turned to a hug, granted it wasn't the best hug but still a hug from Branch... Was wierd.

Teenage Branch: " look ... If he doesn't realise your the only one for him... Then... He's not worth your time or effort... " He gave a small smile for comfort, he blushed realising how long he was hugging her for and let go quickly, he scratched the back of his neck collecting the rest of his books giving her a hand to help her up  "and.. uh yea all that stuff you know?!"

Teenage Poppy: she smiles and gave a soft giggle taking his hand and standing up "heh ...  Yea I guess your right" she grabbed her shoulder and rubbed it. "Since when did i start to become a little nervous around branch" she thought to herself

Teenage Branch: "well uh .. heh glad I could help, but I do have to get to class. But please don't focus on him to much... He's not worth it" he sighed and gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran off quickly before she could say anything

- Teenage Branches head "ohmytroll ... I can't believe I just did that ... " A huge blush covered his face -

- Teenage Poppys head "did he just... No no Poppy ... He did that because he's a friend... Yea" she blushed and have a smile walking to her next class reminding herself what branch said -

(Back with the up to date Poppy and Branch)

Both Poppy and Branc have a slight blush along their face and gave a small laugh

Poppy: " wow how could I have fallen for a troll like creek!" She looked at branch and gave a small shiver thinking back when she used to like creek. " But hey at least we now all live in harmony~" she sang and a few animals joined in

Branch: he sighed "Poppy please... we had this conversation... And I think you mean kinda in harmony... It's creek... In no time he will become a traitor again! besides after what hes done.." He gave a concerned look to her "also please just don't do that hair know thing again .. or at least not me and him... "

Author: "oh I remember that! Where they got stuck together after you tied them up with that extra sticky hairspray.. and they got so annoying.."

Branch: "hey! I wasn't the annoying one .." he huffed and folded his arms

Poppy: "don't worry I won't be using that again... Not after last time" she shivered " imagine if I never stopped you guys... You being  attached to cre-"

Branch : he covered his ears "no no I don't want to even hear you finish that sentence"

Author: laughs and smiles watching the pair " Welp I feel like this is a good time to wrap up this dare! Please keep sending in questions and dates for these guys! And I'll see all you guys next time!"

Poppy: "aww already...." she sighed

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