Questions for Poppy and Branch

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Branch: "urgh why do we have to do this?" He huffs and crosses his arms looking at the author

Author: "because people want to ask you and Poppy questions?" I roll my eyes at him and click through the comments "see this one is for both you and Poppy" I smile looking at it "they asked 3 questions so I may split this up into 3 different pages" I say as I rub my hand on my chin thinking about it "anyways.. where's Poppy she's not normally this late"

Branch: "your right she's normally on time" he looks a little worried as he looked to his hugtime watch "wait jus-" it opens and Poppy rushes in through the door

Poppy: "Hug time!!" She reaches for branch and the author with a wide goofy smile hugging them both tight "sorry I was late, I got caught up with Biggie going through his dinkles photos" she shyly rubbed the back of her head "so do we have any questions or dares?" She rocked backs Nd forth on her feet

Author: "yea actually this time you guys both have a few questions, so Derpxtock asked: did you guys ever end up getting the chance to attend a swing dance? ... Actually yea that is a question... Cos I remember a while back you assumed the swing to the beat was a swing dance" I snicker but Poppy looked at branch with annoyance he had a small blush on his face

Branch: "hey! It was a honest mistake! Besides I made it up to you"

Poppy: she gave a soft smile "yea I know... But to answer the question.. we did actually! And..." She leaned in close to the author "he let me lead"

Branch: "only because it would make you happy and to make it up to you" he rolled his eyes "besides who else could I do a swing dance with? Everyone else just didn't work out"

Author: "welp I guess the quess is supposed to always lead?"

Poppy: "that's true, and keep telling yourself that branch" she giggles and boooed his nose lightly

Branch: he watched her boop his nose and we see a small smile from his face "so what's the other questions? "

Author: "ah ah" I wave my finger in his face "its pretty early in the  morning and I need to go get some sleep, but I will let you both know what the other 2 are later on" smirked

Poppy: "aww come onnnn pleaseee"

Author: "sorry Poppy no means no" I give a giggle "besides in the next one I'll give ya guys 2 questions!"

Poppy and branch look at each other "fineeeee"

Author: "good .. I'm glad to hear it ..." I yawn "now I gotta head off but see you guys next time !!! "

Poppy and branch waves

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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Trolls Poppy and Branch Questions And Dares!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang