Chapter two

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She drifted back to reality, realising that she is already at school. She sighed knowing everything she just experienced was a lie, it wasn't real.
She went into class and sat by herself in the crowded classroom. Everyone just ignored her, laughing and smiling with their friends while she sits there alone.
She waited for a while and heard a bell ring and the teacher walking into class. Slowing, she took out her AirPods and started listening to music, drowning out the teachers monotone voice. Her mind starts to wander into a different reality.

~~~Reality Change~~~

Y/n's POV:

"Noooo, not the parents you know of. Your real parents." Sin answers rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean, your just a deluded guy who wants to fuck me." I say glaring at him.

"What did you say?" He growled in a low voice. His green eyes locked onto mine.
"I said fuck off"
Suddenly a huge veiny hand wrapped around my neck, pressing me to a wall. I fell the cold rings he wore pressing into my skin. His other hand finds his way to my waist, pinning me onto the wall.
"Let go of me!" I choke out, gasping for breath. He loosens his hold, but leans in.

I smelt the smell of the night air and something that I couldn't really describe. He smelt so nice, I leaned in and closed my eyes.
Suddenly he lets go and my eyes fly open.
"Now who wants to fuck who?" He purred. I just glared as I felt my face heating up.
"Fuck you" I cursed and stormed out of the room. I heard a chuckle, I instantly felt a tingling feeling. God what did he do to me. You don't even know him.

I looked around but everywhere was unfamiliar. I looked to the long corridor that looked like it belonged in a modern royals castle. I ran down the corridor, but heard foot steps following me. Urgh, why does he keep following me.
At the end of the corridor I see a huge stair way leading down to lots of living rooms. Shit, is this really a castle, what if everything Sin said was true?
I start panicking and run down the stairs just to bump into someone.
"I'm so sorry" I apologise to someone wearing fancy 'servants' dress that look like it should be worn in the 19th century.
She looks up and her eyes suddenly widen. She bobs down into a curtsy saying, "Your Highness we are all glad you are back"
I look at her confused when Sin walks up beside me and whispers in my ear.
"Tell her to stand"
"Stand" I managed to gasp out.
She stood, lowered her head, smiled and walked away.
I quickly turned to Sin, shocked.
"What was that about?" I stated.
He rolled his eyes again. AGAIN. Ugh this is the second time his rolled his eyes in like 5 minutes.
"Didn't I already tell you? You are the fucking Princess of ALL Supernaturals."
"It's not possible, I'm not a Supernatural. And what do you mean by 'supernatural'?" I ask.

"Supernatural as in Vampires, Werewolf's, witches, mages, sirens, Angels, Demons and many more. Right now we are in Heaven. Our castle in Heaven."

"BAHAHAHA, WHAT nooo your joking." I waited for him to laugh, claiming it as a joke but he stayed serious.
"You better explain right now what the hell is going on, how am I in fucking heaven, in a castle or should I say our 'castle' as you called it. I am a Human not a supernatural. I think you've got the wrong person. Take me back and stop playing those silly games where you think supernaturals exist. They don't. The stunt you just pulled up there was probably an stupid illusion. TAKE ME BACK NOW." I burst out.

He just stared at me gaping. I looked down at my hands to find it glowing a blackish glow. I looked around and saw a mirror, I ran to it. As I looked into it I was glowing black, head to toe.
"So you still won't believe me?" Sin said, while observing me.
"Don't swear in we are heaven" He smirked at me.
I returned him a glare.
"Jesus, I'll stop" he said putting his hands above him.
"Explain" I say simply.

~~~~Reality change~~~~

Y/n, question 34 please.

My eyes fly open to look at my teacher. He had a disproving look on his face.
"Question 34 please" he repeats while I hear giggling around the classroom. Everyone was staring and laughing, some whispering to their friends and giggling together.

"Sorry, Sir" I replied and tried to think of an answer.
"Detention, 4pm tomorrow" He says sternly.

I massage my head from the headache I was having and continue with school.

******Time Skip*****

School ended and I walk to home to find my parents yelling at me for the detention I got.
Usually I never get detentions.
"Why did you a detention?"
"You were meant to be the good child I was hoping for but instead I ended up with you?"
"You are just such a disappointment"
"You fail at everything!"
"Every single test you did you always fail, you are just too dumb. You will never succeed."
They accused
"But.." I exclaimed trying to hold back my tears.

"Stop talking back and go to your room, I don't want to see a failure"

I quickly turn and run up the stairs into my room. I turn on my led lights and put on some music as tears start falling down my cheeks. Why can't I be good enough.
I open my diary and start to write..
'Every thought is a battle, every breath is a war and I don't think I'm winning anymore.'
My tears soak up the paper as I close it and lay in bed, going to sleep without dinner.
They punish me and takes away my dinner, but I guess I'm used to it after all.
I sigh and close my eyes shifting into another reality. A reality of dreams and stars.

1020 words

A/n: I'll try update often. But yea. I'm doing it in first person now. So it's Y/n s POV.
This chapter is basically about her in her reality then Y/n in the real reality and how she is always mistreated.

Enjoy 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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