"Holy! It's so cozy here, so this is what it feels like to be rich huh?" You then took out your phone and earphones, playing some calming music while looking out the window of many mansions you've passed by.

    'I hope they welcome me, unlike that stupid orphanage.' Y/N though. [I'll come back to you soon, Y/N!] "AAH!" You yelled, holding onto your head. 'That stupid flashback why do you keep coming back? What's your purpose? Fucking LEAVE ME!' Your thoughts are interrupted upon arriving at your destination.

A/N: hehe hi ;) what do you think that memory meant?

    "Are you okay, Ms. L/N" "Yes I am, I'm just surprised at someone's message to me." "Oh, I see," He then entered the front gates and you looked outside. 'Holy shit! it's beautiful and humongous, they're this rich huh?' You thought. "We are here Ma'am."

    Upon entering the mansion, the butler guided you on where you needed to go around the huge mansion. "How big is this mansion?" "Big is an understatement for this mansion Madam," The Butler answers. "Ah! I see." 'How nice, making me feel like I'm not poor anymore, instead I'm a homeless rat *Squeak* *Squeak*... What is wrong with my brain?' You shook your head out of thought as you arrived in front of the kitchen door.

    "We are here now Ms. L/N" The butler bowed and opened the door for you. "Ah! you're here Ms.Y/N L/N welcome! Fujii told me a lot of things about you and your cooking skills. I'd love for you to show me your talent Ms. L/N," Mr. Momobami stated. "Of course! What would you like me to cook for you, sir?" They smirked quite mischievously.

    "Impress me Ms. Y/N L/N I'd love to see your talent?" Your eyes glowed as adrenaline rushed through your body. "Well, you'll be more than impressed, Mr. Momobami, I assure you that!" They chuckled, "I love this confidence of you Ms. Y/N." "Thank you Mr. Momobami" You bowed.

    "Well you'll start now and impress me, Fujii his already given you the contract I gave him and you've agreed with the terms and conditions of my offer for you" they stated, "You also won't work for me, you will be working for my daughters, around the same age as them." He continues.

    "What should I cook for you, Mr. Momobami?" You asked, "Surprise me Ms. L/N!" You smirked and chuckled. "My pleasure." You then started to cook.

Le time skip

    "I must say, Fujii wasn't lying, was he? your cooking is out of this world and at a young age achieving this type of talent, you truly are impressive as Fujii mentions why haven't I found you sooner?" He told me while finishing up the food you cooked for him.

    "Thank you Mr. Momobami. I learned by myself as I've always loved reading cooking books at such a young age." You bowed and smiled politely.

    "You are in luck! You'll be starting tomorrow Ms. Y/N L/N, I'll be expecting your service for both my daughters." They offer their hand to you in which you then exchange and bow.

    "Thank you so much for this opportunity. I swear you won't be disappointed." "I know I won't, you've proven yourself already Ms. Y/N L/N, take care it's getting dark already." He then waved goodbye.

    "Hello Ma'am, I'll be your driver from here on out, I will be picking you up at a specific time and dropping you off from your apartment. Shall we go now, Ma'am?" The driver bowed and opened the car door for you.

    "Thank you." The driver nodded, "What's your name?" "Haruto, Ma'am!" "Oh, I see that's a nice name." "Thank you, Ma'am." You then nod.

    "We are here, Ma'am have a good night and take care. I'll be seeing you tomorrow!" He opens the door for you, as you enter your apartment seeing him drive away.

    "What a day huh? I wonder what they look like, he mentioned they were about the same age as me." You shrugged and soon fell asleep while reading fanfics on your phone. (Did I fucking stutter you reading my ff rn shhhhh, ik one of all will think like that.)


    "What the hell! Who keeps on honking? UGH!" You groaned and slowly got up, walking up to your door and opening it. 'Holy fucking shit! FUCK! I'm late for work and it's my first day too.' You gestured to him to wait for you to get ready and he nodded.

    "SHIT! My alarm didn't go off." You got everything ready and shoved everything in your bag your F/C apron and an extra one just in case, phone, charger, and some books to read.

    "Are you ready ma'am?" Haruto asked. "Yes! Am I really late, Haruto?" Haruto shook his head "You're just on time, Ma'am." "Oh? I see, but why did you honk aggressively?" "Just to make sure you're on time ma'am, you don't wanna lose your job on the first day." "Right!"

    "Wow, it's huge!" You then entered the mansion and immediately looked for the pantry. "Haruto? Where is the pantry?" "Oh, let me go with you, Ma'am." Haruto guides you. "Here it is!" You stopped Haruto "Haruto?" "Yes ma'am?" "Please call me Y/N." Hotaru hesitated but nodded. "Thanks!" Hugging Haruto, which surprised him.

    "I have to go, I also have my own work Ma- Y/N!" Haruto bowed and left the pantry. "See ya later," You waved goodbye as he left the pantry. "Holy shit! I forgot how huge this pantry is, heh. Anyways, oh here it is," You grabbed all the ingredients that are needed for breakfast today.

    A weird smell came through your nose. "That's weird. Why does it smell burnt? This is a- FUCK someone is burning food!" You dropped all the things you were holding and let your smell guide you to the kitchen. You barged through the door.

    "Get out of there! You'll burn yourself!" Holding on to the girl and moving her behind you while you grab a fire extinguisher near the kitchen. "Are you okay! Why would you do that? You'll get yourself hurt!" Yelling at the girl.

    "I'm so sorry, I was just really worried that wasn't polite, my apologies!" "Are you okay?" You hold on to her face and analyze her hands to see injuries.

    "Ara~ your first day and yelling at your employers?" You then realized they were your employers and the daughters of Mr. Momobami. 'Son of a bitch!' Yelling at yourself at the realization.

A/N: holy shit 2,400+ words this is the most I've ever written, what did you think about this chapter?

𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚃𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 - 𝕸𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖇𝖆𝖒𝖎 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now