30 3 0

BEEP! BEEP! Asahi's alarm went off exactly on time as it did every morning. He clicked the stop button and immediately got up just like he did everyday. This was a casual occurrence for him now. Wake up at 8:30am, get ready and go to visit Noya. All his college classes were afternoon or evening time so Asahi dedicated his morning to his boyfriend. After brushing his teeth and hair, showering, changing and eating a quick breakfast of whatever cereal they had in the cupboard, Asahi grabbed his car keys and left.

The drive to Miyagi hospital was a quiet one, it always was. Parking in the same spot as every other day, scanning his everyday parking ticket and greeting all the staff, Asahi made his way up to Noya's ward. Stopping to get an update on his boyfriend from the nurse at the desk, Saffron, he wasn't surprised to hear nothing had happened. It was always the same news, he hadn't woken up or showed any signs of doing so but at least he hadn't died.

He walked into Noya's room and sat next to him. He grabbed his hand and, as always, placed a gentle kiss on his knuckles. He then proceeded to tell him all about what had happened yesterday and recalled some funny conversations he had had with Sawamura and Koushi yesterday evening. It still wasn't easy to see the love of his life like this but he had gotten as used to it as a person can get. He no longer had to hold back tears as he was recalling dates they had been on only to not get a reply to any of his sentences. It was hard but Asahi got through it. He knew that all he could do until something happened was to show Noya he was here and tell him he loved him everyday.

The time flew by and before he knew it, the time hit 12pm. Asahi said his goodbyes, with, of course, a promise to see him tomorrow and then left a kiss on his forehead. He said goodbye to Saffron, who knew he would be leaving now and made the way back to his car. It was a Thursday. He didn't have any lectures today which meant he could go home and relax. He would stay with Noya but he knows from Saffron that Tanaka always visits him, every afternoon, and he wouldn't want to intrude on his time with his best friend.

So he went home, somewhat emotionlessly, and started to bake. It was a hobby Asahi had picked up on the advice of his friends to help him cope with Noya's accident and to keep him from getting lost in his own head and letting his thoughts eat him up like they had early after the accident had happened.

After making 2 batches of double chocolate chip brownies, he put them in his glass cake showcase and went up to his room. He did some studying and watched Tv until Daichi and Suga came home from their afternoon lectures. They grabbed a brownie as soon as they got back and went to say hi to Azumane. Then Suga ordered pizza, not being bothered to cook as it was his turn, and they all had a chat over dinner. They told Asahi that their morning lecture the next day had been cancelled due to their professor having an important meeting. They asked Asahi if it would be okay if they came with him to see Noya, as they hadn't checked up on him in a while. Asahi, obviously, agreed to this and offered to drive. He then thanked Suga for the meal and retreated to his room.

He sat alone for a while, listening to quiet music and thinking, before sleep finally took him. It was just like every other day and he hated it. He wanted.... needed something good to happen and soon, he would never show it but he was starting to have small feelings of doubt in his gut, and that was never good.

A/N= sorry I lowk forgot about this story but it's all okay I'm back now and hopefully I'll remember to post I always feel so bad when I remember. Whoops and thanks for the support :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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