the plan 😏

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im gonna change present mic's name to just mic, cuz im getting tired of writing dj loud house

Nezu: 200IQ/ momnezu

All might- all might

Shota- (-_-)

present mic: mic

midnight- 18+

Vlad king- Vlad king

recovery girl- #1 nurce, granny

snipe- bullet boy/snipe

Ectoplasm- basically spit

Power loader- Handy man

Cementoss- the floor

13- 13

Here is a picture of 1-b you'll need it later


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Vlad King: well? whats the plan?

18+: yea c'mon spill

(-_-): i could care less

momnezu: please continue i wanna see the results

all might: ^

mic: alright alright

mic: the plan is to pose as class 1-b and go into their group chat.. and basically ask them questions about "the teachers" aka us
and see what they say

basically spit: i dont know.. doesn't seem very heroic

handy man: i have to agree

Vlad king: ^^

18+: well... right now we're teachers.. not villains :))

(-_-): well... she ain't wrong

all might: tru tru

200IQ: it's just an experiment there's nothing wrong with that.. is there?

snipe: nope

basically spit: we just have to chose which student we will pose as

mic: i'll me monama

(-_-): a suitable fit... i'll be kendo (monoma controller)

all might: i guess i'll be tsuetsue (kiri 2.0)

18+: uhmmm, i'll be shiozaki (vine girl)

handy man: i'll be bondo (the guy who can shoot glue out of his face)

vlad king: im gonna pose as shishida (beast man)

13: i guess i'll be pony (that girl who can shoot horns from her head)

mic: literally when did u get here

13: i was here the whole time

all might: creepy

handy man: ^

basically spit: i'll be kuroiro (the guy with the pitch black skin)

nezu: i was gonna say kendo, but i guess i'll be yanagi ( girl with silver hair)

snipe: uhm i guess i'll be... fukigashi?

mic: alright is that everyone?

13: yes

18+: mhm

(-_-): -_-

all might: yes!!

200IQ: yupp

basically spit: this is a bad idea

snipe: no point in going back now

handy man: im ready!

vlad king: yes, we're ready

the floor: wait!! i didn't pick yett

mic: UGHHH

the floor: i'll be honenuki ( the guy with the yellow skin)

mic: k, we're ready!!


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