Both of Eddie's hands were now on Buck's face as he gazed lovingly into the sapphire eyes. "Just trust me, okay?"

That enchanting husky voice broke down the last of Buck's resistance, and he nodded.

Smiling, Eddie pressed his lips to Buck's in a kiss that was languid, yet fiery all the same. Buck lamented the fact that Eddie had to pause the kiss long enough to pull Buck's shirt off over his head, but Eddie's lips were back on his before he had too much time to dwell on it. Next was Buck's belt, which Eddie only needed one hand to unbuckle while threading the fingers of his other hand through Buck's hair. And then the button and zipper of Buck's jeans.

No matter what he'd agreed to previously, being stripped of his own clothes while Eddie's gorgeous form remained fully covered rubbed Buck the wrong way, and his hands slid over to the hem of Eddie's shirt to pull it off. Eddie's hands stopped him yet again, however.

"No touching, remember?" Eddie's voice was even raspier this time, and combined with the intense look in his eyes, Buck was already feeling a bit lightheaded. It did not help matters when Eddie stood on tiptoe so he could whisper into Buck's ear, "Are you gonna be a good boy for me, Evan?".

Oh, shit. Buck was done for. And they'd barely started.

"Yes..." Buck mumbled, a bit embarrassed by how breathless he already sounded. Hey, it wasn't his fault that Edmundo Diaz cast a goddamned spell on him and he was powerless to do anything about it... not that he really wanted to. "Yes, of course, gonna be so good for you, Eddie."

The look on Eddie's face was somehow a combination of total love and adoration with "the cat that got the cream" type self-satisfaction. Yeah, the bastard knew full well the effect he had on Buck, and he made no qualms about using it to his advantage.

He then bent down to pull off Buck's jeans and his grey-and-blue plaid boxer briefs in one fell swoop, Buck stepping out of them to help Eddie and almost tripping and falling over from how eager he was. Eddie stood back up and allowed his obviously hungry eyes to travel up and down Buck's exposed flesh. Being completely naked and under Eddie's heated gaze while Eddie himself remained fully clothed (the only thing he'd taken off since their arrival at the apartment was his shoes) made Buck's cheeks flame up. He wished Eddie would get at least partially undressed too, not only because he was craving the sight – and feel – of his boyfriend's firm body, but because it'd make Buck feel a little less self-conscious. Still, Buck intended to be true to his word... he was going to let Eddie run the show, whatever that entailed.

"Wait a second," Eddie gruffed, holding up a finger for emphasis before turning to a mint-green plastic bag that Buck hadn't realized until that point was in the room, leaning against the far wall. He watched in confusion for a few seconds as Eddie rummaged through the bag before coming up with something and presenting it to Buck. In the dim lighting, it took Buck a moment to realize what it was: a red silk blindfold.

He gulped.

"Hey," Eddie touched Buck's chin gently, redirecting Buck's gaze from piece of fabric to Eddie's own eyes. "Is this okay?"

Buck thought about the question for a moment. This wasn't something they had done before in the bedroom, so the apprehension on both of their parts made sense. Still, Buck couldn't deny that it figured into a few fantasies of his. And he had been as truthful as can be when he reaffirmed his trust in Eddie a few minutes earlier, so while it can be a fine line between excitement and fear, there was no doubt that he stayed on the right side of it as long as he was with Eddie.

"Yes," Buck said with a gentle smile. "It's fine."

Eddie returned the smile in kind and pecked Buck on the lips, before lifting the blindfold up to Buck's face and tying it securely behind his eyes. Buck felt the thrill flood his veins as his vision was taken away, his anticipation of whatever Eddie had planned for him magnified now that the element of surprise had been added in, with Buck literally unable to see what was coming.

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