Chapter 2: Home

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The sudden wave of bright light burned her eyes.

The distinct sting in her eyes from crying.

And her heart...Which now sat in millions of pieces.

She was not the same person as she was when she first arrived in Amphibia. She was no longer that same young girl who knew nothing other than silly sleepovers with her friends and messing around.

She got back home but never had she thought that this would be the last thing she wanted right now, and Marcy...She didn't have enough time to save her, she didn't have enough fucking time to grasp anything.


Anne felt sick to her stomach.

There she stood, in the middle of a highway jammed with traffic. Her eyes still were so wide from shock, barely allowing herself to breathe, she felt trapped in her own body.

Shock had invaded her senses and took her hostage.

Pathetic really.


"Sash, Marce, what are you guys doing after school today? I just got some cash from my parents for my birthday so we can maybe go grab a few ice creams!"

"Yeeess, finally, something good that has come out of today, i swear i was so close to beating the shit out of that Mark kid that kept kicking my desk in class."

"No need to be so aggressive Sash, maybe he was just nervous for the test, Ooo and i just passed the second last level on Vagabondia Chronicles OH YEAH!"  The Nintendo Switch shot up into the air in victory.

"Okay guys," Anne intervened, "just meet me back at park an hour after school."

The girls nodded  before parting ways to class.


Stopping back at home always stirred an unwelcoming feeling in Marcy's gut. Anne and Sasha never had sleepovers at her house and had only ever occasionally seen her parents. She preferred it that way, separating her home life from her outside life that is.

She never spoke of it with her friends, her relationship with her parents were...complicated. Talking about it wouldn't do anything but get her into a mess.

That's how she coped, with studying and video games. It kept her distracted from the screaming and voices that rang through her mind everyday repeating themselves over and over again in her mind, until she felt like there's no way of escaping them anymore.

She learnt ways to cope, confident that as long as she had her friends, she would manage, until she came home from school only to hear that her parents are sending her away to live with her grandparents in a different country.

"No i cant move away now...i-i have friends and i really like them, please don't send me away now!"

"Your dad and i have things to work out, right now we don't exactly have the time to look after you."

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