Start from the beginning

      "Hi! How are you guys?" Aurora welcomed them in. She put on that squeaky voice that Ivy always noticed when she wanted to be as charming as possible. "Come in, come in. Put your shoes on the mat."

     Ivy awkwardly lingered near the tv; She wasn't sure whether to sit on the couch or greet them with open arms. Choosing neither, she fiddled with her fingers, she anxiously observed the three boys entering Aurora's clean living room. She probably looked like a fucking creep unintentionally.

   Aurora hugged all of them—Including Vinnie. Hmm. She gave Jordan an extra drawn-out hug, his muscular arms pulling her in close, body to body. Whew, the tension was blaring. All of them were quite muscular, but Vinnie was a little more lean. The weirdest part is that they all dressed a little different; Mariano was draped in a loose hoodie, whilst Vinnie wore a graphic tee and baggy jeans. She probably liked Jordan's pristine outfit the most; a pure white sweater with his pale neck shrouded with two squeaky clean pearl necklaces. Jordan had better fashion sense then Ivy could ever imagine.

       They finally peeped Ivy uneasily standing there yet Jordan was the first to address her. "Hi, you're Ivy right? Nice to properly talk to you." He smiled considerably.

     Jordan was so damn charmingly delightful, Ivy couldn't even try and cease the grin from slithering onto her lips. "Hey. Was the journey long?" She asked politely, before he pulled her in for a short warm hug. As they drifted away, she could just sense Vinnie's dark prying eyes on her back. She let go feverishly, feeling pyretic under his unsettling stare.

       "Not really. Mariano is just such a crappy driver, so it took longer than needed." Jordan rolled his pale blue eyes to which Mariano then protested, "Bro if there's traffic, do you expect me to drive ontop of all the fucking cars—Or what?"

     "You drive like a maniac." Jordan groaned. "I wouldn't put it past you."

     "Did you die?"


     Ivy giggled quietly, her eyes bouncing back and forth at the exchange. Their dynamic was magnifying yet so contrasting, she wondered how they ever became friends in the first place when they're complete opposites.

    "Vinnie my boy, you're less dramatic. Did you feel safe with me behind the wheel?" Mariano asked, with a signature smirk on his face.

     Vinnie shrugged nonchalantly rolling off his shoulders, "'Safe' would be an exaggeration. Let's say content." He mumbled. "Towards the end, I finally wasn't thinking of fucking jumping out the window."

  Everyone burst into laughter, because surprisingly enough, Vinnie was funny. Ivy finally saw his comedic side, and why he actually had friends. He's not just moody brood with him coincidentally owning a few friends here and there. She wanted to hear even more. However, as soon as he noticed Ivy doubling in laughter, he corrected himself—Sitting down peevishly, the smile dropped from his spitefully godlike face. God, what is this dude's fucking problem. Ivy blinked hard and bit the inside of her chewy cheek. Okay, Ivy learnt to perhaps never laugh at any of his jokes ever again.

      Mariano clearly felt the stuffy atmosphere but disregarded it when he approached Ivy. "So Poison Ivy, do you still hate me or you willing to put the shit behind?"

        Ivy pretended to think. "First of all, you can't give me a nickname if we're not friends. Secondly, you were obnoxious so I'm good."

    "C'mon now, we're the best of friends. And I was never necessarily obnoxious, I was just playing around."

     Aurora chimed in. "Mariano, I think Ivy deserves an apology."

  Mariano stuck his hand out, and softly smiled, "Poison, I am very deeply sorry for my ghastly behaviour. Will you ever forgive me, my dearest Queen?"

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