I kept punching until I was ripped off of him and pushed into the large circle of people surrounding me, Asshole, Niall, and Gary. Gary was holding me back with my wrists while Niall stood between me and the asshole. Niall had wide eyes staring at me like I was an alien. He seemed surprised, very surprised.

"Graysen what the fuck! You can't do this shit anymore one day you're gonna get seriously hurt!" Gary yelled when he let go of me seeing I had calmed my temper. I turned and looked at him still breathing hard. "Get out! and don't come back for 2 weeks!" he pointed to the door, "And as for you, you are getting a ride in the police car right outside that is waiting for you." He turned to asshole.

Fuck. The police are here.

"Gary 2 weeks! C'mon I was just defending myself he fuckin punched me!" I yelled at Gary. Gary looked at me and shook his head and pointed to the door with a disappointed look on his face.

"This is the last time you do something like this, I will not bail you out of jail anymore or pull you out of fights. Get out before I have you escorted out." Gary crossed his arms.

I shook my head, mad but also disappointed in myself. I pushed my way through the crowd surrounding us, people started to make a path for me to stomp out. Everybody looked at me some even having their phones out, probably taking pictures and videos to put on the Instagram and watchtube or whatever it's called. Just as I reached the door Niall came up behind me, and soon the rest of his band appeared behind me and were all walking out with me.

"Graysen," Niall called out and jogged to catch up to me. "Graysen wait up" Niall grabbed my shoulder. I twisted around and stared at Niall with a clenched jaw and a soaking wet head from when they dumped water on me, then looked behind Niall at all of his friends.

"What Niall." I said coldly. As I looked into Niall's piercing blue eyes I noticed a spark of worry flash through them. After staring into his eyes I looked to the ground and played with my fingers. I felt overwhelmed and my stomach was going crazy, I had a slight headache from getting drunk; I was hungover.

He turned to the boys "You guys can go, don't wait up." he nodded to boys. "You sure?" Liam asked. "Yeah it's fine." Niall waved them off then turned back to me.

"Are you ok?" Niall reached his hand up to look at my bruised jaw and cut lip and I quickly flinched away. "Don't. I'm fine." I slapped his hand away and turned around again and began walking.

"Graysen can I at least walk you home" he continued to follow after me. I never replied so I guess he took it as a yes. "Listen can we talk." he caught up to my pace.

"About what?" I said. I don't really want to talk, I mean I did just get banned from the pub for 2 weeks and walked out with a bruised jaw and busted lip and don't forget to mention my cut knuckles that already started to bruise. We were about a block from my apartment so it shouldn't take long.

"Graysen how the hell did you actually take down that guy?" he seemed bewildered. I took a moment for myself before speaking looking at the beautiful, lit up ground soaked street. It must have rained while I was sleeping.

"Simple self defense?" I stated then decided to take out a cigarette, lighting it with the lighter I kept in yellow and black leather jacket. "Want one?" I offered Niall but he shook his head.

"Those things can kill you ya know. Also the 'simple self defense' is bullshit. You beat the living Jesus out of that guy, I don't think I have ever seen a girl as strong as you. There was no way that was simple self defense." he shook his head looking down at our feet. "Oh and when you fell asleep at the bar it seemed like you were having a pretty gnarly dream."

"First of all I only smoke when i'm anxious, stressed, or other reasons... and the self defense thing, i," i skipped the subject and moved to the next, "and my dream.. is personal." I replied to most of his questions.

Meet Me At Sunrise N.H - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now