kiyoko shimizu, goddess of the school, she was athletic, kind and smart. on the other hand she was also one of the most hated people in the school because of the rumour that she had an affair with a teacher during her first year. kiyoko was probably the only one in the group that hasn't caused any trouble on purpose, but being friends with the masaki siblings and konoha obviously meant that she would often be dragged into their mess.

the four of them didn't instantly get along as soon as they first met, none of them were the 'warm and welcoming at first sight' type anyways.

"i hope you have a blast in there sister dearest." hoshi cackles in a cocky tone and sprints away before jin could smack him.

jin entered the dull room and made their way to the table closest to the back. a boy with a blonde undercut, with piercings and a red printed hoodie on, probably in their year, stared them down as jin walked past his table.

"the fuck you staring at." she mumbled underneath her breath.

"hey you two, no talking in detention." the teacher that was suppose to be supervising glared at the two before going back on his phone.

jin could only roll her eyes. she sat down and rested her head on the table.

"pst, masaki jin right?" jin assumed that it was the annoying guy two seats infront of her.

refusing to look at his face again, she responded quietly. "yeah."

"the name's terushima yuuji. i just moved down from class 5 to your class a week ago, don't think we've met before."

so he used to be in the college prep class

"cool i don't know who you are, and do you want an award for being a dumb fuck or something?"

terushima scoffs at jin's sarcasm, or what he assumed was sarcasm. "well aren't you funny. first of all i only moved from class 5 to class 4, and secondly you're also in the class that this 'dumb fuck' moved down to." the boy replied smartly.

jin was a millimeter away from throwing terushima across the classroom. why won't he just shut up? let me enjoy the peace and quiet for once. she thought.

"do you really not know who i am? like have you really never heard of me?" terushima spoke again after managing to shut up for five seconds.

"for the last time no." she groaned and hit the table with her fist. "... you're about to go on about who you are aren't you?"

"no i was gonna ask if you wanted to come to my basketball game tomorrow."

jin suddenly remembered. terushima yuuji, captain of the miyagi high's basketball team. they faintly recalled konoha saying something about his friend daishou suguru being hot, and kiyoko's complaints about how annoying and loud kuroo tetsurou is.

terushima yuuji, daishou suguru, and kuroo tetsurou, a trio that stood out the second-most after jin and their group.

terushima yuuji was known for his play boy reputation, and number one source of trouble of the year group, possibly even the entire school. just like hoshi he was quite the ladies' man, but for girls who were into the delinquent bad boy type.

daishou suguru, being one of terushima's best friend and one of the best players on the basketball team boosted his popularity among both males and females. he caused almost as much trouble as terushima did, though it was often less physical but more verbal.

then we have kuroo tetsurou. oddly enough, he only ever gets into trouble for teasing the first years with daishou and skipping school overall just to go home and watch tv. the fact that kuroo was a star baseball player of the school, plus his relaxed attitude instantly made him a charming figure in the eyes of majority of the girls.

"so are you coming to my game tomorrow or not?"

"maybe." jin hummed. "if you stop talking so much."

"ouch," terushima clutched his heart dramatically, then made eye contact with jin and grinned, "but i'll take that as a yes."

and for the rest of that detention they sat in a comfortable silence, acknowledging each other's irritating, yet comforting presence.


i'll probably update this book 2/3 times a month (unless if i'm on a writer's block with my other books) as i want to mainly focus on finishing my other fics

if you have any questions please ask !
every vote, comment and view is appreciated !

thanks for reading, take care of yourselves :)

— sea

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