First Date (Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah I know but I'd much rather be here because I can talk to you and I'm having so much fun with you"

"Really I think cleaning is very boring but I guess it's ok with you here"

"Plus if we want we can still go to Surgarcube Corner ofter if you want"

"Yeah that sounds like a plan"

We both are just about finished cleaning the bike now all had to do is fix the tires. we put air in the tires and now the bike looks good as new.

"See what did a tell you. Doesn't the bike look good as new?"

"Yeah, yeah guess you were right"

"Anyway do you still want to go to Sugercube Corner?"

"Yeah but I might have to change I've got dirt all over me"

I smirk because I got an idea for some payback. "Oh that's good because that means I can do this" I throw the semy wet washcloth at Rainbow "That's payback for earlier"

Rainbow looks like she is going to throw it back but I put my hands up as a shield "Wait I don't have a change of clothes so if you throw that I'd have to go home and change"

She smirks oh no. "Then I guess it's a good thing that you live nearby" Then she throws the washcloth back at me.

"Oh it on!"

We both keep at this water war until both of our buckets were empty. Thankfully we both had our hair pulled back so it didn't get wet. Rainbow went into her house and changed her clothes and came out wearing jeans a t-shirt with her signifier lighting bult on it and a sweater.

She walked me back to my house and I changed into whatever other clean clothes I could find then decided o start a load of laundry with the dirty clothes from the unplanned water war. Rainbow was looking around my house.

"Ok, I'm ready just needed to start the washing you want to walk it's maybe a 10-15 minute walk from here"

"How do you know the time it takes to walk everywhere. You knew how long it would take to get here from my house, you knew how much time it takes for you to get to school, and now from here to Sugarcube Corner are you some sort of secret nerd?"

I giggle at her comment "No I just walk everywhere so you get to know how long it takes after a while"


I make sure to grab my phone and some money for the both of us because I'm like 80 present sure Rainbow forgot to bring any money. We walk to Sugarcube Corner and we were seated. We both ordered and talked about whatever till we got our food. We ended up being there for about an hour and a half then we decided it was getting late and probably should be getting home. We began the journey home and man it got cold outside. I thought I was hiding my discomfort well but apparently not because I felt Rainbow put her sweatshirt on me.


"No problem you looked cold"

We got back to my house and it was dark outside. Rainbow was getting ready to walk back to her house.

"Nope your not walking alone at this time of night,"

"What I can handle myself. I'll be fine"

"Nope won't allow it. you can text your mom to come to pick you up but I will not let you walk home alone in the dark" She was stubborn but so was I.

"Fine, I'll text my mom" Rainbow texted her mom and we waited for a response.

Ten minutes later Rainbow's phone lit up. "My mom says she can't come and she wants to know if it's ok if I can sleepover"

"Yeah that's fine doesn't matter to me"

She texts her mom back and now we are in silence just to two of us sitting on my couch.

"I'm going to go find some PJ's for you. Your welcome to explore the upstairs if you want" She looks at me confused "I saw you exploring wearer but you never went upstairs. I'm just letting you know it's ok to go up there if you want"

"I actually have a question"

"Alright ask away"

"Do you live alone? You never really talk about home life sorry if it's an invasion of privacy"

"No, it's alright. Yeah, I live alone. Never really got along with my parents so once I turned 18 I moved out. Sometimes having an early birthday pays off. I'd been saving up for years so I'd be ready to move out"

"Oh I never knew"

"I never told...It's all in the past anyway" While we have been talking I found some clothes that I think would fit Rainbow and then I throw them at her "Heads up"

I show her where the bathroom is and she changes while I go downstairs and pull out some blankets and pillows and set them on the couch.

"BOO" Rainbow comes up and scares me from behind.

"Not funny Rainbow"

I then go upstairs and change into some PJ's of my own but I'm still wearing Rainbow's sweatshirt. We both settled on the couch and decide to watch an old DVD of some Disney movie.

We are both kind of awkwardly sitting next to each other then I lean on her and e both relax.

"You know you're never getting your sweater back right?"

"Oh look who's stealing from who now"

"Shut up"

We both laugh and after a while, we both fall asleep in the comfort of each other's arms.

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