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7. Lies Uncovered are the Best Victory

Arabelle couldn't deny that when she woke up the last thing she remembered was holding her father's staff and switching it to prune and shoved into herself. The pain that followed was barely noticeable to her.

When woke up she was in a room and there was laughter. Like a party. She always wanted to go to a party. Too bad she could never leave the TVA.

She followed the sound drifting through the gold mist that surrounds her. Shadows of people were all around her, statues frozen in time. She came up to one of the small little girl and she began to sing a little song. She looked like Arabelle. The same features and same smile.

Puzzled, Arabelle continued to walk forward ignoring the uncanny similarities. She saw another bronze statue and it came to life before her. It was her father standing there with a look of joy. The gold dust around her started to form a moving statue of a little girl running to her father. She noticed how her father wasn't in his usual brown suit and tie. Something casual and jeans. Jeans.

Something told her these were her memories, why was she seeing them. She just wanted to see her father. She couldn't be without him, that's why she did this, she couldn't bear to be without him. After all that work to get back to the TVA, it would all be for nothing.

Walking around through the gold mist, she found more and more bronze statues of her, memories that didn't add up because she couldn't remember those ever happening. Her clothing is completely different from what she wears now. Her whole demeanor changed as she walked through her line of memories.

It confused her as she watched a younger her blowing out the candles to a birthday cake. When did she ever have a birthday party or even had cake? She was always told that the TVA created her so therefore she couldn't have a birthday. She even questioned Renslayer on why they couldn't celebrate their creations. Her response was quite cruel. "You weren't meant to have a birthday, Mobius. You weren't meant to celebrate your life, but rather watch other people go through theirs and watch them go through their life and build relationships you weren't meant to have." Her words cut through Arabelle's core everyday. She never once told her father what Renslayer said to her that day.

Maybe there was more to the TVA than what she was told. Her mind flickered back to the one box with her initials on it. What she was seeing now before her made her question everything she has been told, everything the TVA has taught her. What was in that box? She wanted answers to her confusion. Everything was just leading to one big dead end. How could the TVA let a young girl believe that her life is meaningless and only to watch people's lives in the Time Theater and get everything they ever wanted, it drove her insane sometimes. To read about people's accomplishments and how they got what they wanted and to go on side missions and see all the wonderful things the world had in store but it wasn't meant for her to discover.

There was more to the TVA than she knew, more than her father knew about or he wouldn't have gone along with everything so easily. There has to be more, she knew that. Why would B-15 go against Renslayer and everything she stands for if there wasn't something more to the TVA that has been kept a secret. There has to be right?

Timeline | Book 1 of Arabella E MobiusWhere stories live. Discover now