Geniuses Generation

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Azusa pov:

After danna-sama done with his speech all the students here get up with terrified face, but it is weird seeing that not even once of the students become crazy, faint or anything, they are some that only cried after the pressure gone, i'm sure danna-sama must control his aura or else nobody in this room would survive

Yuto beside has already got up while still looking at the stage, "yuto, are you okay?" Asked rena who trying to support yuto, "yeah, i'm okay more importantly, lilia seems to be in worse state than me" said yuto as he approaching lilia.

"You seems fine azusa, how can you got not affected by that pressure?" Ask lilia who was trying to stand up, "well..i'm used to it" to be honest i'm not lying though, since i've been beside danna-sama for so long i'm got used to it.

"More importantly the Great Demon lord said that we must take an exam for deciding grade right?" Said rena, i'm impressed he still pays attention while enduring that kind of pressure,

"Yeah, a magic theory and science research, i decided to take magic theory as my main class, how about you guys?" I asked,  you have to only took a test for your main class and you got to choose whether to take a second class or not.

"I think i go too magic theory.." said yuto, "well, i can't let this idiot going alone after all" said lilia, "i just follow yuto" said rena, 'is this guys serious? You just follow someone blindly? Haa...that's the protagonist for you..' i thought to myself

"I see, then bye! See ya later!" I said to them, and immediately go to the test room, but suddenly yuto grab my hand and says " you..don't wanna go with us? It will be helpful if you come with us.." said yuto with hopeful expression.

' are you kidding me?? Does this kid planning to make me join his harem!!?' i thought to myself, but then i shake his off then say "well i prefer being alone, see ya later" then i continue walking without giving a single glance at them.

As a students all of us has to live in school dormitory to make sure our safety, well majority students here is a noble or a child of rich merchant, i got to my room and immediately jump on the bed, without i realize i fell asleep.


When i woke up, it is already morning, i look at the time and rush to the exam place, i take magic theory so the exam place is in training ground, luckily i arrived on time, i see that everyone is trying to cast their best magic and shoot it at target, it is maybe to test our basic knowledge about magic.

Magic theory has multiple branch class such as battle mage, healer, and more, while science research is the same their are science technology, science biology amd more.

I notice the long haired trio from before, they seemed to take magic theory as well, i might greet them later since they seem to be an interesting peoples.

"Student Azusa! Come here!" Shout one of the professor, well it's my turn now, i head to the professor and she tell me "your magic is evaluated by power, precision, and speed, now do your best magic to shoot the target" i see, then i waste no time and use my simplest attack magic "[Nuclear strike magic: Nuclear canon] !!" After i said that the professor seemed surprise while my magic rapidly strike to target the moment my magic hit the target, a large explosion was created

The whole students, is looking at me like i'm some rare animal, even the professor is dumbfounded, after that stylishly walking out the train field feeling proud.


After the test at the field there's some paper test, but i confident that i was doing that perfectly, yesterday danna-sama send me a [thought communication] telling that our daughters seems to high-level comparing to they peers, so those two take a same exam as me.

I remember that, today is the day where our result is announce, i going straight to the hall way confident that i must be the first, but the moment i take a look at the notice board ...i feel defeated.. this is what the result ranking look like,

1.Rouge (500 pts)

2.Milus ( 476 pts)

3. Leo (460 pts)

4. Azusa (458 pts)

5. Suzuki Yuto ( 400 pts)

6. Fiora Bella ( 394 pts)

7. Fezel El Nasca ( 378 pts)

8. Eura Von Farmenas ( 353 pts)

9. Shalsha ( 327 pts)

10. Falfa ( 300 pts)

And the rest is below (200 pts) the magic test at the field full mark is (300 pts) while paper test is (200 pts), i make a mistake when i think, a several wrong answer in a paper test won't make any difference, but my different with the third place is just two fucking points!!!

I went to cafeteria with depressed face, then i hear the professors is chatting among themselves, they say that before this year, the most ground breaking record is (300 pts) that has happen a hundred years ago, but this year seemed to have so many monsters that surpassed that.

Starting from that the first ten of this year is called [ The Generation Of Geniuses ].


At the student council president office, there are several people who stand at the top of this academy, the students council. "Yoo, it seems that this years has many crazy kid huh?" Said one of them sitting on the sofa, "fufufu, i wonder is there are any handsome boys in the top ten" said the woman, "haa..i regretted that i don't go watch the test" said another man, "yeah..i too honestly shocked when seeing the result" said the man while eating his burger.

"So what's your thought about this president?" Ask another loli- girl with her teddy bear on her lap, "hahaha! What can i say? This first year students is very interesting.." said the president while looking out of the window," [ Geniuses Generation ]  i hope they can live up to our expectation.." the last word from the president bring everyone in this room into smile.

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