New Life

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Rimuru pov:

After finishing my daily quest at the morning, i decided to go to the guild to submit the completion of the quest, and after that, there's bunch of kids who ask me to teach them swordmanship.

I honestly not that good with sword, because most of all my skill is mainly use magic, but if i use magic in this world, the balance of this world may collapse because of the overwhelming magic that i use, so i decide to mostly use a sword

The kids at the village always saw me hunting down a dangerous monster nearby, so they all approach me and ask me to teach them, well because i got nothing to do i just go along with them and teach them the basic.

Back to the present, i'm going to the guild to submit my quest completion,
The moment i enter the guild i was stunned for a second, it is because the person that i was searching for this whole time is right before me.

After quick introduction i quickly flee out the guild it is mainly because i was so nervous, i my self don't know why it such a big deal, but the feelling is really like the love at the first sight.

Rimuru:'arghh, i don't care anymore, who would thought that my feelling to be very conflicted just at a first sight.

Kid 1:" Sensei!!, Are you okay? You look red!"
Kid 2 :" do you have a fever sensei?"
Kid 3 :" its okayy, if you sick you can go back home now senseii!"

Rimuru:'This kids..are they really concerned about me? Somehow i feel touched..'

<<Negative.They just wanna slack off training>>

Rimuru:'Tsk. I knew it this brats!'

Rimuru:" im okay, so lets get this going till evening, each of you must land a hit at me once, the one who doesn't dont get the lunch box!"


A few hours later, the sun has began set, all the kids lying on the ground trying to catch a breath.

Rimuru:' fufu somehow this is refreshing'

Rimuru:" Alright kids, time's up, go back home, dont go anywhere, is getting dark!"

The kids:"" Okayy! , Thank you very munch sensei, see you tommorrow!!""

After a while, the night has arrive, with me alone lying down on grass looking at the star, thinking that a peaceful life like this isn't very bad.

I have not yet to buy a house, mainly because i can sustain myself without food or sleep as slime, i feel somehow relieved that i got reborn with adaptive body like slime

Azusa pov:

After i'm done dranking with all those geezer at the guild, i go to buy some grocery stuff around the village.

Luckily there's still that open at night so i buy a lot because i dont want to go to grocery again anytime soon

On my way home, i saw a figure with blue hair lying down at the ground as if he enjoying the view of the star, after i saw a familiar  katana at his side , i immediately realized who is it

I'm conflicted to wether greet him or just ignore it, but when i think again its a super rare chance to get close to him with all my courage i decided to approach him.

Azusa:" Emm, ano, hye rimuru-san"

Rimuru opened his eye and looked straight at azusa with a surprised expresion

Rimuru:" Ahh, hello lady Azusa, where are you going in this middle of the night?"

Azusa:"fufu, Azusa is fine, rimuru-san, and im on my way home, what are you doing here rimuru-san?"

Rimuru:" Just watching the star, i don't have quite enough money to buy a home or rented a inn yet"

Azusa:" i see.."

After that, there's quite awkward silent for while, Azusa is the one who break the silent first

Azusa:"d-do you w-want to c-come..."

Rimuru:" Im sorry Azusa-san, i may have made you uncomfortable, i should've told you that hahaha"

Rimuru:"hmm i think its time., See you later Azusa-san!"

Azusa quickly panicked, she actually at least want to talk to him a bit longer, but rimuru keep walking, at that time azusa decide to made the bold move.

Azusa quickly grabbed rimuru sleeve to stop him

Rimuru:"emm, a-azusa-san?"

Azusa:" y-you really want to see a m-maiden walk alone at night?"

Azusa:' fuehhh!! W-w-what have i donee!!someone please kill me heree!!'

Rimuru:" haha it can't be helped then, lets go together azusa-san"

On their way to azusa home they talk a lot about themselves, while azusa explained to rimuru about the furata village history and many more

Azusa:' he is really a nice guy as i thought..'

While azusa having almost no experience in dating or anything related to romantic relationship she find it very fun when she spend her time with rimuru.

Rimuru pov:

After while, they arrived at azusa house rimuru look quite shock because she live alone at this far from the village

Azusa:"  come in, dont just stay there rimuru-san"

Rimuru:" o-okay, pardon me"

Azusa:" wait for a while, im going to make a dinner"

Rimuru:" should i help?"

Azusa:" a guest shouldn't "

Rimuru:" i see"


After dinner, they two sit down and talking to each other, the two of them seem really happy at this moment even though they just barely knew each other this morning, they feel at ease when they're together it feel like they 'destined' for each other

Azusa:"R-rimuru-san i think you should stay here temporarily while searching for a new house..what do you think?"

Rimuru:" well i feel at ease when im with azusa-san so im gladly accept it"

And just like two month past..

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