Life with a disciple

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Early in the morning we both wake up to eat the breakfast, we were chatting as usual, when suddenly the inn lady come

*Knock knock"

Inn lady:" Azusa-sama, kenshi-sama, i'm sorry  for interrupt your meals, but you have a guest who wish to meet you two"

Azusa and rimuru look at each other, wandering if one of them has done something

Rimuru:"hey azusa..don't you think there's someone looking for a fight...again?

Azusa:"haha no, no, no we're at inn remember? How can there's idiot like that haha.....right?

After a brief chatting, they arrive at the guest room, the moment azusa open the door, there's girl with a red hair sitting in there and there's.....horns?

Azusa and rimuru:"'eh.."

The girl:" ah!...i'm sorry for inconvonience yesterday!"

The girl said while bowing down.

Rimuru:"'s okay, you don't have to worry about it"

Azusa slightly confuse, because it seem that her husband recognize the girl, rimuru on the other hand immediately recognize the girl because of ciel.

Azusa:" yesterday? Did we meet somewhere?"

The girl:" ahh that's right! You don't recognize me in this form..i'm the red dragon, leica!"

Azusa:" EHHHHH!!"

Leica:" surprised? We dragons have a lot of mana you know, many of us can change to human form"

Azusa:' i'm don't even know that you're a girl'

Rimuru:" haha..but it surprise me, i think you're male you know"

Leica:" but you recognize me straight away right? Fufu, as expected from the world strongest swordsman"

After that, leica quickly show us a big bag that seem heavy.

Leica:" ahh..leaving that aside, please accept this!"

Leica open the bag, and to our surprise, there's many coins in it, more importantly this is all the gold coins!

Rimuru who has seen leica beauty seem want to reject it but azusa quickly cut him

Rimuru:" don't have to wor-"

Azusa:" Ahhh! The repair cost!, Thank you very much!"

Azusa shot a glare to rimuru, rimuru seems to averted his eye since the glare is to painful for him.

Azusa:" but.. is it okay? No matter how you think, this is too much"

Leica:" it's okay..well we dragons has a habits of hoarding, so this much is nothing!"

Azusa:" is that so?.."

Leica:" a-also..i have a f-favor to ask.."

Azusa:" hm? What is it, feel free to tell me"

Leica:" kenshi-sama and azusa-sama, c-could you make m-me your disciple!"

Rimuru who have been quiet for while seems a bit shocked.

Rimuru:" are you sure?"

Leica:"yes kenshi-sama!"

Azusa:" hmm, nothing we can do about it huh? Then welcome leica!"

Rimuru:" but if leica want to stay with us, we can't just repair our house right?"

Azusa:"yeah, we need to make it bigger"

Leica:" please leave it to me, azusa-sama, kenshi sama!"

Rimuru:" rimuru is fine."

Leica:" yes! rimuru-sama!"

Azusa:" i'm counting on you leica"

Azusa:' wait..she said leave it to...who??'

After that, leica ask our permission to go collect the wood at the forest, but rimuru said he will go instead, and to our surprise she seems to be skilled enough to make the whole house using wood alone, she continue to make it without rest, rimuru said he want help but leica refuse him,she keep working until the night time arrive

Azusa:" leica! Let's wrap it up today! I also need to introduce you to the village now that you are living with us!"

Leica:" it's okay azusa-sama, please take a rest by yourselves i can still do it!"

Azusa:"no, but such thing is-"

Leica:"dragons are also active at night , if i work all night it should be finished by tommorow"

Rimuru hearing this, immediately get up from his sit, walk straight to leica.

Rimuru:"that's a NO!

Leica:"eh!!..umm d-did i do something w-wrong?...i just want to show to my masters that i'm doing my best.."

Rimuru:"you said you want work all night right?..don't overuse the intention of "doing my best"!"

Rimuru:" look..the sun has already down right? a proof that the world is telling us that the day has come to an end."

Azusa:" danna-sama is right leica, we didn't become this powerful by doing the impossible"

Rimuru:' i did though..'

Azusa:" all we ever did is live in moderation, now that you are our disciple so you must follow our lifestyle okay!"

Azusa say so while putting both her at leica cheeks

Azusa say so because the reason that she die is because overworked now that she has a second life and the person that she loves..she made the promise to never allow her to overexert herself any, she now has a disciple too

She look at rimuru, with warm smile and secretly resolve herself to live this second life to the fullest..


While the trio walking back to the village, rimuru suddenly stop his step.

Azusa:" hm?..what's wrong danna sama?

Leica:" rimuru-sama?"


<<Master, the hostility detected is growing! , Base on this creature life wavelength this is a...>>


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