SMG4: Final Minutes

Start from the beginning

"Luigi! Dammit! You had so much to live for, you bastard! How could you do this to me?!? What am I supposed to do now?" Mario had truly realized the finality of the situation and broke into a fit of sobs. Mario had brought his fists down unto the floor below him, striking it until the Earth gave into his strength and collapsed. Nobody knew how to react. They all witnessed how Mario had lashed out on his deceased brother and decided he needed space. Meggy couldn't stand there and let him grieve on his own, she knew he needed somebody to cry on. She began approaching him, saying nothing at first.

"Red, I-" Meggy had begun saying before Mario cut her off.

"What the hell do you want?" Mario yelled, bitter at the world for taking his brother from him.

"I- you can't do this to yourself! Is this how Luigi would want you to honor him? I know it hurts, Mario, I've been there with Desti. But.. " Mario cut her off, still in denial.

"I just lost my brother! What the hell else can I do?" Mario asked while shaking vigorously.

Mario never knew how to properly deal with emotions. He had been going to therapy to aid him, but none worked. He also never knew what it was truly like to lose someone close to him. No matter how many times he was a jerk to Luigi, he always loved him unconditionally. But now, Luigi is gone; how was Mario supposed to move on?

"You can get back up!" Meggy told Mario, choking out tears at the last bit, in remembrance of her frenemy. She had finally made her way to become face to face with Mario. She said nothing, instead she reached out her arms to offer Mario her embrace. Mario just stood still for a minute, realizing what Meggy said was right; he had to find a better way to cope. He finally accepted Meggy's offer and cried lightly onto her shoulder.

"Luigi.." was all he could utter, feeling an empty pit forming at the bottom of his heart. With Luigi's passing, so went a part of Mario's identity. What was he supposed to do now? Luigi had always been the one to take care of the both of them since they had no parents to speak of. Luigi had always been there for Mario, even if the two had their differences.

"We're all here for you, Mario, we can help you through this." Meggy said, followed by a bittersweet agreement from the gang.

"You're.. you're right. Thank you, all of you; thank you." Mario said, slowing his tears.

There was nothing but silence within the room, everyone gave their respects to their fallen friend. Nobody dared utter a word, not wanting to break their moment of respect for Luigi. Everything remained quiet and sullen, until...

"You bakas should have learned from your first time messing with the Great Francis! I killed your little Octoling friend, Dezzy!" the arrogant chameleon gloated, feeling invincible before throwing his handgun away.

"Her name was Desti, you Son of a Bitch!" Meggy said, heated.

"Oh, I'm sorry; who the hell cares about her? I did the world a favor getting rid of that stain on society!" Francis said, taunting the group at their loss, "and who's going to care about that scaredy-cat Italian waste of space? You should be thanking me for getting rid of that burden to the world!"

Nobody knew what to say to his egregious words against their fallen loved ones. Everybody felt awful at Francis' true feelings. They all felt unmatched anger, rage broiling inside their blood. Mario felt beyond fury, he felt a need to burn the skin off of Francis.

Something inside the entire group snapped at that instant. They all had given into the dark impulse to put an end to Francis. He had pushed them beyond a point of reason. There was no turning back now; Francis was going to pay dearly for Luigi and Desti.

SMG4: A Tragedy On Anime IslandWhere stories live. Discover now