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pete wentz (petewentz) wrote,
2007-02-8 09:12:00

the madness of two.

so, anyone who has a semi decent internet connection and/or a subscription to a gossip rag will know that these past couple of weeks have been interesting, to say the least.

it all started with that blog post. (which i guess in the long run helped me). you all know what im talking about. im gay for patrick stump yada yada, which i guess i can now confirm as true. so, thanks to the person who wrote that, whether you were a celebrity "journalist" under a dry-spell, a yaoi obsessed fall out boy fan or some random person who just really hates me. thanks. you sounded a fuck ton like me (though i barely type with caps and i  seldom use correct grammar, so theres a discrepancy, for future reference, of course).

i know this whole post has so far contradicted everything ive said recently, but i was afraid. it suddenly seemed like this world had turned upside down, like in the truman show, i suppose (disregarding the fact that the whole world doesn't seem to revolve around me, shocking, i know). it didn't take too long after that post went viral for me to realize that dating patrick was surprisingly quite similar to just being friends with him, i guess i always had a little thing for him, whether i recognized it or not. no matter how much i tried to ignore it, it never seemed to go away.

if i have any advice out there for anyone, it would be to stick up for who you are and what you believe in. you deserve the right to be unapologetically you. fuck everyone who says any different. these past few weeks have taught me some important life lessons, some id never trade for the world and though i still have a lot of growing up to do (obviously) i believe ive changed for good, and that it will hopefully help make me a better person and treat others and ultimately myself a better way. who knows what will happen in the future?

personally, id like to thank a few people who have made these past few weeks (considering both the album launch and my personal life) just a bit more bearable. thanks, andy and joe for being great guys to talk to and make music with, you're a bunch of legends. thanks to our band manager, doug for setting up countless interviews and probably suffering from tremendous amounts of headaches from damage equipment costs and such. thanks also to noah, for helping me realize a couple of things and being a part of my biggest win yet.

lastly, i wanna thank patrick martin stump, (aka: trick or lunchbox, which as of now, is my new nickname for you) the man, the myth, the legend. you arent some anti-social, unattractive lead singer of some emo band. youre the person who brings a sense of meaning to so many peoples lives, youre the man whose face i cant get enough of, your sheepish grin will always be the death of me (and you cant say otherwise!). youre an inspiration to all, showing you dont have to be some crazy, extroverted, party machine douchelord (aka, me) to be a lead-singer of a semi-famous band. many people look up to you for your warm personality and want to make others happy, you can bring just a bit of yourself to this whole world and it'll become drastically brighter. trust me. as cheesy as it sounds (what, i cant help being a hopeless romantic) you're a literal embodiment of sunshine, and as you lay asleep next to me, i have proof of it.

oh, and to all those people who said patrick and i being together would ruin the band... uh, sorry (but not really), i guess you can go listen to cobra starship or the panic at the disco or whatever now, im sure those dudes would be happy to have you. (unless gabe decides you're a douche for ditching us because one half of the band is in a gay relationship, which im sure he would be, so would ryan, oh well, have fun!) thanks to everyone who has come around, whether its been since our first few shows or yesterday, it means the world to all of us. we've got something pretty special brewing up soon, i guess you'll have to all see eventually. i should probably shut up now, half of you probably left a quarter of the way through this post. live like yourself, as theres no other real way to do it.

pete xx

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