V - quitters never win

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anna (Xx_bestkeptsecret_xX) wrote,
2007-02-03 14:22:00

I'm worried that Pete and Patrick aren't friends anymore.

Hey guys, usually I try not to pry into the guys' personal business as I respect their privacy but lately, I've been super worried. I don't know if it's just me that's been noticing this (comment if you have, I wanna discuss it) but I feel like Patrick and Pete have grown more distant, from what I can tell with interviews and such. : (

It was ever since that untrue blog post (which fans have been trying to find out who posted for a while), maybe it seriously spooked them out for one reason or another. I seriously wouldn't mind if the two were actually in a relationship and were hiding it, but it just seems as if they hate each other now. Whenever they're doing interviews or photo-shoots they seem to be as far away from each other as possible, which is so different from how things were originally. Not to mention Pete going to that gay club in West Hollywood.

That interview they did with that morning show was... interesting. I recorded it thankfully and I've been watching it back, Pete mentioned someone was just trying to hoard all the attention for themselves? If this is really about Patrick then that's just so out-of-character, I can't even imagine Patrick WANTING to be the centre of attention... Pete seemed really douchey, as much as I love him.

I dunno, I'm actually going to the New York show in 3 days (as I previously stated on my last post) and I hope it's not called off as I've been freaking about seeing them for the first time! I just hope the guys are alright. like I said before, if you've noticed anything, I'd like to talk about it and eventually come to a conclusion of sorts. I've actually got an edit and a Peterick fic with lots of lemons in it coming up, so be ready ; ).


Pete finished reading the fan's post and he exhaled, hoping that somehow, he could just maybe breathe the heartache and frustration out of his thought-filled, muddled mind. Though Joe had left the day before the last, he was taking into account the words he told him. For a relatively chill guy, he was pretty wise, though he probably should've known that by now. He stared at his bottle of Ativan, located in the open drawer of his night stand. It seemed life was actually getting back on track before this all just happened. A conundrum of bad choices and unknown endings.

Yesterday was a lot better than its predecessor. It seemed the discussions they had with each other helped break the underlying tension that had stuck to the band. The songs were all in-time and Patrick's vocals were strong, with Joe nailing guitar riff after guitar riff. Pete felt a rush of blood to his head when he practised songs from their previous album, semi-fresh memories arriving out of nowhere. Patrick still had not really bothered to acknowledge Pete, besides the occasional glance and hasty look away, he seemed more intimidated for a reason unbeknownst to Pete.

Pete had been scribbling down lyrics in an old notebook he found in his jacket pocket when a person knocked on Pete's door. It was quite a shock seeing Patrick Stump on his front porch, his head considerably inches below the door's full height. Pete only heard the faint sound of Patrick scratching his nails and cars driving past before Patrick finally spoke.

"Listen... I uh, didn't really plan what I was going to say so... I just wanted you to know that..." Patrick's voice died off mid-sentence, he was clearly hesitant in what he was going to say, maybe he didn't want to hurt Pete's feelings, it was then that Pete felt he knew what Patrick meant.

"I lo-"
"You want to take a break from each other, right?"

Patrick felt as if he had been hit with a mallet, specifically a wooden one that left huge fucking splinters throughout his aorta. He shouldn't have got his hopes up.

Pete continued. "I mean as in, like a friendship break. I can tell you aren't happy, Trick. Joe talked to me yesterday and I understand how much of an asshole I was, some fans think that too. I can understand why you don't really want to talk to me."
Patrick tried to contain the feeling of painful numbness that erupted inside of him and smiled.

"What was it that you were going to say?" Pete questioned, "I lo?-"

"Yeah, that's what I was going to say too. I'm glad we're on the same page. I gotta go now Pete, bye!" Instantaneously, Patrick had left Pete's front door and was in his car, hurriedly driving away.
Patrick looked behind him in his rear view mirror, seeing a confused Pete looking out on the streets of his suburb.

Time had never gone so slow before in Patrick's life, and that was saying something. He felt so naive, did he really expect Pete to just declare his love for Patrick on the spot? He arrived at his apartment, after what seemed like hours of holding a tear-soaked wheel, he grabbed his computer to type out the latest update to his shitty situation, seeing comments from his latest blog-post.

"Im not the best at advice, but good luck anyway!"

"if you only recently found out, hold off on it for a little while, just to see what happens."

"I'd recommend telling them, dude. It's best to be as transparent as possible with someone you're close with. Even if it's serious."

That was the comment who inspired him to do this, great advice that was.
Patrick typed out, "Tried it just then. Didn't work, they completely misunderstood me and interrupted my declaration of love I think they ended up realizing my true intentions. Thanks for nothing, whoever you are." He hit send to his passive-aggressive comment and felt the sobs coming through his barrier of repression once again. Patrick pondered how the fuck he was going to perform in 3 different cities in 1 day with Pete constantly, thinking about him and his dazzling, genuine smile that crinkled to his eyes and all the way up to his forehead, when he was so genuinely happy.

It only took a comfortable armchair and Hemingway for Pete to start rethinking Patrick's words and how weird all this was. Patrick hadn't just tried admitting his love, hadn't he? It was impossible, especially after everything they had gone through. It would explain how quickly he left and his awkward behavior once opening the door. He didn't mean to cut Patrick off, and now he wishes he heard those three words escape his mouth. His fantasies of him and Patrick being together were temporarily put on hold with the quarrel between the two, but soon after it calmed down, they had started becoming more and more prevalent.

Pete picked up his sidekick, dialing the fresh number in his phone. Hoping for it to pick up.

"Hey, Noah? This is Pete." Pete explained.

"Oh, hey Pete, uh, what's up?" Noah was obviously somewhat confused about why Pete was calling, Pete would be, too.

"So. I think my best friend just tried to confess his love to me." Pete stated plainly, he continued. "Only problem is I interrupted them half-way with a complete contradiction of what he just said."

"Damn, just like in the movies. Well, Pete. The important thing here is, do you love him?" Noah quizzed.

"Uh, I think I do... for a while now, I don't know why the hell I messed it all up." Pete felt his eyes prickle.

"Don't worry, there's a way you can fix this... you got anything special coming up soon?" Noah asked.

It was at this moment that Pete had an idea, it might not have been the smartest idea and had a 99.99 chance of failing, but Pete was always the spontaneous, hopeless romantic, and it seemed things weren't changing anytime soon.

"I do, actually! Okay. I think I've got an idea now... Can I give you a ticket for my show in LA on Tuesday, oh, and something else?"

"Sure, I'm looking forward to it, seeya then, Pete." Pete could practically hear Noah's grin.

Pete sat up and gathered what he needed, most importantly his thoughts.

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