I- the aftermath of the party

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It took about a millisecond after Patrick picked up his phone for it to start ringing. After flipping it open, he heard a panicked voice on the other side of the receiver.

"Patrick, oh my god. The person who posted that was not me! I swear-"

"Really Pete? Whoever it was sounded a hell of a lot like you! Crying in my arms? Really?!" Patrick was trying his hardest to keep calm, but his breath was quickening and the blood rushing to his head made him feel woozy.

"Patrick, do you know the possibilities? It could be a fan trying to live out their fantasies, or a reporter looking for a good news story! It isn't even my LiveJournal account and some parts are so vague they can be interpreted as anything." Patrick heard a shuffle and Pete cleared his throat.

"I'm expecting you to do the thing you do when you freak and just shut down," Pete was obviously uncomfortable reading this aloud and he continued.
"Anyone can do a thing where they freak and shut down! It goes into no specifics and are just assumptions. I would never do anything like this to you, I love you-but not in that way." Pete took a deep breath after saying these words, anticipating a response from a now silent Patrick.

Patrick started to compose himself, finally seeing the world accurately and not as a labyrinth of blurred lines and unmistakably brash lights around his room. What Pete was saying made sense, but the myriads of notifications from his now-open laptop that covered his screen distracted him. An article already popped up after typing his name and Pete's.

"Okay... I believe you. But I really do need to recover, can I call you later, please?" Patrick sheepishly said.

Pete sighed in relief, "Yes, that's okay. Just maybe don't go on the internet for a while, please? I'll see you soon, bye." Pete hung up the phone before Patrick could, but it was already too late, Patrick saw a title from a well-known gossip site and decided to click the link.


"A Romance that is Unexpected and possibly Artificial? by Lindsay H. Greer Janurary 19 2007

Just mere hours ago, Fall Out Boy's self-proclaimed 'front-man' Pete Wentz seemed to have confessed his love on a LiveJournal account (Link Here). Though there has been some speculation that the article was not written by him, many adamant fans seem to believe that Wentz is behind the account "noonewhomatters"

User anathema_brightside says: "Though it wasn't posted on Pete's account, it sounds exactly like Pete and how he talks! I've been a Fall Out Boy fan for years now and it makes total sense that he'd make a new account to keep the possibility of saying it's fake if Patrick rejected him, I have every reason to believe this is true!" Many concurred with this opinion, with dozens of edits of the two popping up around the internet, people coining their ship name (the act of combining two peoples' names together who may have romantic intentions) "Peterick".

But is this declaration-of-love too unexpected and rushed? With the launch of their third studio album "Infinity On High" in just over a month, people believe this romance to be purely revenue-based. Though the gay and lesbian communities have applauded Wentz on his unabashed declaration and many calling him courageous for his "coming out", his sexuality has always been left ambiguous, with his modern emo-rocker glam-esque style breaking mainstream ideals of how men in the pop-punk industry should dress and ultimately even act. Though many consider his metrosexual show problematic and his rumored standoffish attitude impolite. We were lucky enough to get an insider stand-point on this latest gay love scandal.

"I personally do believe this romantic relationship is merely one-sided." An anonymous member of Fall Out Boy's life stated. "From what I saw, it never seemed any more than child's play, it was obvious that Pete was all over him, perhaps a crush, but it was never reciprocated by Patrick. I could never see what Pete could see in Patrick, though. Pete could probably get anyone he wanted, but he chose Patrick, so I don't know what's going on there." the insider concluded.

It is common knowledge that Wentz is known as an eligible, attractive bachelor, and his looks never seemed to stop him from getting who he wanted. Patrick is the anti-social lead singer of Fall Out Boy. "The living antonym of what any lead singer should be", people consider. And if what we have heard is true, we don't see why Wentz couldn't have gone for someone who was perhaps less shy and more... conventionally attractive than Stump. Either way, it has taken the pop-culture-frenzied world by storm and we have yet to receive a statement from the two."

Patrick stared at his screen, a plethora of emotions coursing through his body; feelings like confusion, hurt, disgust and frustration. It never seemed like it would end. Was he not worthy enough to be with someone like Pete? He never viewed himself as exactly hot-stuff, but to see this reporter and "insider" show their shock of why Pete would even consider liking Patrick, he felt his face go hot and his eyes start to well up. Who would even do this? What was the point of making this whole idea up? To say it was you who caused such destruction in another person's life? Patrick clutched his pillow and yelled, letting his emotional baggage pour out of him like a sad, annoying waterfall.

He picked up his phone and dialed Pete's number, containing his hurt after thinking of Pete. What is he going through? He thought. That article called him many distasteful names and accused him of numerous things. He was publicly outed as someone he is not, Patrick wasn't so exposed to the world right now, Pete was.

"Pete, are you okay? I've read some stuff and Jesus, people are tearing you to shreds!" Patrick was angry now, they don't know Pete! These people were so shallow.

"Yeah, I'm just freaking out right now. I'm writing a statement to post to my LiveJournal. I really didn't write it, Trick." Pete sounded exhausted.

"I know you didn't. God, people suck, don't they? The shit people have said about you-"

Patrick was interrupted, "You didn't read that horrendous article, did you?! Cmon, I told you not to, they called you so many disgusting things, and accused us of monetizing a fake relationship we aren't even a part of!" Pete was getting annoyed now, Patrick could tell with the edgier tone in his voice. "I'm just so sick of this, I'm going to have to explain everything and tell my parents that I didn't come out online and I'm not in love with you, shit."

Pete lay on his bed with his sidekick and phone nearby with Patrick venting more on the phone. He bit his lip and wondered what it would be like to be in a relationship with Patrick and it surprisingly wasn't much different to how they were now. Flustered, Pete hung up the phone and promised he'd have his announcement written out by tonight, but he couldn't push those thoughts of Patrick out of his head.

who else to blame?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora