Remake of Chapter 2

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[Hi like I said im making a reamake of chapter 2 for reasons i specified last chapter. Some stuff will be the same as in the original chapter 2 but ima change quite a bit]


(1 year time skip)

"Mitsuki-chan are you ok?" Izuku asked his crying aunt

"Y-yea im fine don't worry about me Izu-kun." Mitsuki said wipling away her tears

"No your not auntie!" Izuku yelled and gave her a hug" Its ok to cry auntie its better to let it out instead of holding it in." Izuku said hugging her leg

"Izu-kun im fine I promise just allergies."

"Dont lie auntie I know why your crying."

"Izu leave me alone!"

"NOOO! Im here for you Auntie so don't try and lie to me." Izuku said with a pout

Mitsuki chuckled and patted him on the head" I'm sorry for yelling Izu I was just mad at Masaru and I took it out on you. Are you mad?"

" I can never be mad at you auntie your too nice and I know your sad so it doesn't bother me. Just remember im here for you if you need me, I'm gonna be the future No.1 hero after all so might as well get a head start!"

"Haha your funny kid. Thank you Izu you always make me smile. Who's my little cinnamon roll?" She said grabbing his cheeks and pulling them

"Stop don't do that im not a baby and im not a dessert." Izuku said with a huff and a stomp

"Oh is my Izu-kun getting grumpy? Is it already time for nap time?" She said with a smile

"No I don't have nap times im 5 now. Meanie!" He said sticking out his tongue

"Oh yea try me kid, let's fight no quirks though."

"This will be easy." He said with a smirk" tackle!!" He said and jumped at her but to his disarray he ended with his face between his boobs

"Haha you didn't even move me. Loser." She said sticking out her tongue

"Auntie I can't move you with these big things in the way. Why are they so big anyway???" Izuku asked with genuine curiosity

"Wow Izu you already like boobies?"

"N-no I was just wondering why yours are so huge can you even see your feet when you try to put shoes on? Are they heavy? What does it feel like? Can I touch them? Izuku asked

"First off I don't know why there so huge, Second I can see my feet, Third off yes there heavy, and they feel squishy and yes you can touch them." She said

"Ok tell me when to." Izuku said getting both hands ready

"Go ahead."

Izuku grabbed both of them and started squeezing lightly" Wow their squish and firm they feel so good and what happens if I poke right here?" He asked and poked her nipple through her shirt and bra

"Uhhhhhh Izu don't push on that spot it hurts."

"Oh sorry Mitsuki-chan, here ill kiss it and it will feel all better." Mitsuki didn't have time to decline and Izuku kissed her boob" feel better?"

"Hahah yea kid Thank you."

Izuku gave her a thumbs up" No problem if your ever injured in any spot ill kiss it and it will feel all better." He said with a innocent smile

"Sure kid." She said rubbing his head

"Auntie can we watch a movie?"

"Sure what kind of movie?"

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