Chapter 06: Conversion

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"Okay," Vanilla took a seat in the soft grass. She patted the grass next to her urging him to sit with her. Jake walked over taking a seat beside her. "I have been having this dream lately," Her blue eyes looked up at the stars. "It's more than that," She corrected. "It's a reoccurring dream that I've had since I was a child. I'm not sure why but I can't help but feel like." She clinched the necklace around her neck. "It has to mean something."

"It could be just another girlish fantasy." Jake draped his arm on her shoulder. "This dream," He brushed her hair back. "Tell me more about it," She rested her head on his shoulder. Her eyes remained on the stars.

"In the dream I was standing on a ledge." Vanilla explained. "There was this man holding a sword. I turned to face him. The only thing I could make out was this tattoo of "P" that was placed on the right side of his neck. Each time, I try to piece the image of him together but that's all I can remember." She rose to her feet. "I stood there on the ledge of a horrid cliff ready to defend myself. Seconds before I do, he," She placed her hand on her shoulder. "He strikes me with his sword leaving a brutal cut. I start to fall from the ledge into sharp rocks below. I thought I was going to die but," Her lips formed a smile. "This woman comes in and she saves me at the last second."

"Is this woman the reason you want to join the humans?" Jake questioned, she replied with a nod. "Do you have any idea of what she looks like?" He walked up to her. "It's not like you need her. I can protect you. I took an oath, remember?" He pointed at her necklace. "I promised to keep you safe. After all, we're going to get married."

"I know that Jake," Vanilla let out a sigh. "It's just," She put her hands behind her back. "I can remember the image of the woman who saved me so clearly. The rest is a blur but her. It's like my dream is telling me to find her." She clinched her necklace. "I tried to search for her picture in the vampire roster when they were going to recruit me. She wasn't there and judging by her skill she's too good to be hiding in the town. That only leaves one place,"

"Are you sure she isn't a werewolf?" Jake offered.

"She had slightly pale skin like me," Vanilla answered. "She wielded a unique sword and had this strange glowing rose colored hair. Her eyes had this unusual pink glow in them almost like they were shining. I could tell right away, she was powerful." She let out a sigh. "I know it sounds bizarre and the chances of me finding her are rare. It's just, I have to try Jake," She turned toward him. "This dream, it has to mean something."

"It's definitely bizarre," Jake agreed. "I can tell this is important to you so," He let out a sigh. "We'll join the humans and try to find her. This is the only place she could be right?" Vanilla replied with a nod. "If she's not there then it will confirm that your dream was just that, a dream." He took her hand walking with her. "I still don't understand why you dropped the break up bomb like that."

"I didn't want to drag you into this." Vanilla explained. "I figured if I told you my reason for joining the humans. You wouldn't understand. So," She let out a sigh. "I decided that I should go on my own but," Her lips formed a sweet smile. "During the harvest festival when you proposed to me," She clinched her necklace. "I started to realize just how much I care about you. I never wanted to leave you, I just wanted you to be safe."

"You don't have to worry about me," Jake put his hand in his pocket. "I like being here to protect you. I would follow you into hell without thinking twice about it." He draped his arm on her shoulder. "I love you Vanilla,"

"I love you too Jake," Vanilla smiled back at him. "I can't believe it," Her feet stopped. The long white post with a cross at the end had served as her guide to the human stronghold. The post was now in plain sight located next to a church. The human stronghold, she found them. After what felt like a long journey, her destination was now in sight. "We're actually here," Vanilla ran through the grass plains running toward the church.

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