"Off to the changing rooms," Isaiah said and we went our separate ways. On my way I saw coach.

"Hey Genocide you look stunning," coach said. I gulped and shook off the thought of him being creepy. He probably just likes the color.

"Haha thanks, you ready for the game?" I asked.

"Yep we are gonna crush them."

"Yes the heck we are!" I said and went into the locker room and changed. I met up with Isaiah on the court. We got into our positions.

"How are you feeling," he asked.

"Adrenalized you?"

"Hyped as fuck," he said.

"We're gonna win," said christen.

"Of course we are," I replied. Our team huddled.

"Who are we?" Isaiah asked.

"Winners!" we replied.

What do we do?" I asked.

"Kick butts," they replied.

"What dont we take because we're too cool?" Christen asked.

"Names!" we said.

"Break!" Isaiah said. The games started and the other team looked confident. We both had no losses. Too bad we are going to hurt their ego and break their streak. We are the unbeatable kings and we aren't afraid to dethrone your asses. The game was looking close and it was the last few seconds. I was dribbling down court but instead of me making the last shot I passed to Isaiah and he made a three. We won by two points. After he made the shot I ran over and hugged him.

"Amazing shot mi amore," I said.

"Thanks princess," he said before everyone else came rushing over.

"Hell yeah you did that!" Christen said.

"King! King! King!" the team shouted. Then someone grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the group.

"Oh um hi coach!" I said, confused.

"Come here we need to work on your form," he said and dragged me to a room.

"Oh. Why is it so dark?" I asked but he didn't answer. This is sketchy. He walked behind me and pressed himself against me. I froze in fear. He positioned me in a non basketball form. I did not regain my sense until he tried to unbuckle my bra.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, trying to run.

"Your clothes were practically asking for it," he said.

"I was in a damn basketball uniform let me go!" I said. And he chuckled.

"Nope, I was talking about your short skirt, i wanna see and feel what you didn't hide well." he unbuckled my bra since he restrained me. He took off his underwear. Since I had nothing else to do, while he thrusted into me I screamed.

"ISAIAH HELP ME. ISAIAH HEL-" i tried but coach tapped my mouth.

"Shut. Up," just then Isaiah came running in and punched coach to the ground. He grabbed his dagger and held it to his neck.

"Never and I mean never touch my princess again, you filthy pedo rapist thing," he said and stabbed coach in the head. I watch with a sick smile. I was still shaking and scared but my rapist was dead. I watched him die. I watched his breathing stop. I watched my soon to be boyfriend stab him repeatedly. He had that same killer look in his eyes. Then the world goes black.

--time skip brought by daddy Isaiah--

I shot up and looked around. I was in my room, fully dressed. I guess it was all just a horrible dream... I breathed a sigh of relief when Isaiah comes running in.

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