"Right." Blair scoffed, crossing her arms. "You just need the cousin you abandoned to save your ass from a crazy ex-henchman of Two-Face of all people!"

"I could've handled myself." Barbara insisted.

Blair didn't budge. Arguing with Barbara was like arguing with a really stubborn toddler. All she was doing was repeating herself which only fueled Blair's frustration, "Really? Not only did you decide to leave a safe place in the middle of the night, but you're in a wheelchair Babs! Tell me how any of that is supposed to indicate that you can handle yourself?"

Barbara blinked in surprise by the use of her old nickname, but Blair didn't notice. In fact, she didn't even notice that she had used the nickname in the first place, she was so frustrated and angry.

"Is everything okay with her?" She asked Alfred, seeing River talking to Jason by the display cases. That new friendship was still taking some time to get used to, but it wasn't an unwelcome change. It was less problems for her to fix. "Other than the fact that she obviously has brain damage that caused her to lose her common fucking sense? Though we can't really blame that on the car accident."

River and Jason started laughing, overhearing her words while Barbara just rolled her eyes. The corners of Alfred's lips twitched upward, "She's fine, Miss Blair. There's just going to be a small bump but that's it."

"See?" Jason said, staying a safe distance away from her. "Nothing to worry about."

"I wasn't worried." Blair insisted.

"Okay." He shrugged, unconvinced. "Whatever you say."

Blair turned to start arguing with him, but before she could even open her mouth, the sound of tires screeching to a halt echoed through the cave. Everyone grimaced at the loud sound, even Alfred. Blair shook her head as Bruce jumped out of the Batmobile, "Someone has got to tell that man that he doesn't have to drive like Vin Diesel every time he gets behind a wheel."

The cave grew silent as Bruce took off his cowl, marching over to where Blair stood with her arms crossed in front of Barbara. The closer he got, the more nervous Barbara seemed to get, with good reason too. She hadn't exactly left on good terms with him either.

Bruce didn't bother to spare the redhead a single glance, just focused on Blair, waiting for an explanation. Blair shrugged, "She was being stupid."

"I was just trying to get home, Blair!" Barbara exclaimed for what felt like the millionth time that night. "My god!"

"We get it. You were trying to get home." Blair rolled her eyes, having heard it enough for the night. "Doesn't make you any less stupid." Barbara pursed her lips and clenched her hands by her side, looking to Bruce for help though he didn't indulge her silent pleas. He just focused his attention on Blair, waiting for her to explain the night's events. "She took an Uber to get home from Uncle Jim's."

Bruce shifted his gaze to Barbara, just long enough for her to nervously tap her fingers on the arms of her wheelchair. For once, Blair wasn't on the receiving end of a disappointed glare. She wasn't sure how she felt about it, watching how he regarded Barbara with a cold, unfeeling gaze. What if that was how he would look at her sometime in the future?

"What happened?" He asked, shifting his gaze back to Blair, allowing for her to finish speaking.

"The driver turned out to be one of Two-Face's old henchmen. I don't know where he was taking her, but it wasn't home that was for sure." She sighed, uncrossing her arms. "He sad something about Penguin."

Bruce narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "What about Penguin?"

"That's it. He didn't say anything else." Blair said, trying to remember if there was something she had missed. Nothing came to mind. "Bruce, something doesn't feel right about this."

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now