Chapter Six: Solitary Hunter

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CCSV Scholar

Uncharted space outside of Confederation of Sovereign Planets' space

        "What do you mean, the coral came alive?" demanded Miller. "You said that it was fossilized."

        "The survey team thought it was fossilized," retorted Nishi. "The science team discovered that it was actually dormant. The cells reanimated shortly after they were brought on board."

        "Which doesn't explain how it could have killed anyone," added Sergeant Willis, looking up from a personal computer which he had been taking inventory from. "I mean, it's coral. It's underwater, unicellular life. How the fuck can it be killing people?"

        "Okay clearly, I need to explain more," Nishi huffed. "We called it 'coral' because it's genetic composition and physical appearance is similar to coral. It is a cluster of genetically identical polyps. It is, however, not actually coral from the ocean floor."

        "Okay but that still doesn't explain how it's killing people," said Miller.

       Jack had only been half paying attention to the conversation; he was more focused on the COMs trying to find out if anyone from 1-1 Charlie was still alive. However, their channel was just awash in static. He switched call-signs.

        "1-1 Alpha this is Helios 2," said Jack. Helios Two was the individual call-sign for the platoon 2 I-C in the SCU. Helios 1 was always the officer in charge. "Is your area secured, over?"

        "Helios 2, 1-1 Alpha. Engineering is secured, over" replied Sergeant Zaidan.

        "1-1 Alpha, Helios 2. Send figures one fireteam to meet me between Medical and Engineering, over," said Jack. He had to find out what was happening for himself. Something was attacking his people.

        "1-1 Alpha, roger. Sending figures one fireteam to meet Helios 2 outside Engineering, over"

        "Helios 2, out." Jack closed the channel and walked over to Captain Miller, who was still in conversation with Nishi. He put his hand on the Captain's shoulder. "Sir, I'm heading to the engine room. I've got to find out what happened to 3 Section."

        Captain Miller held up his hand just as Nishi went to say something. She paused before saying anything. Miller turned and looked at Jack. "Sergeant, I can't agree to let you do that."

        "Sir, with respect, I'm not asking," countered Jack. While it was not advisable for the 2 I-C of a platoon to go off, the SCU was not the average Confederate Armed Forces platoon. You were encouraged to bend more than a few norms if it helped getting the job done. In fact, Jack had never served in a platoon with a 2 I-C who didn't breakaway from the platoon to complete a separate objective. "We need to know what's happening in the engine room. And it's my responsibility for any wounded we have."

        Captain Miller began to think about it. "Sir, they need someone out there calling some of the shots," Jack said. "I'm no good back here and you know it sir."

        There was a tense moment for about two minutes where Miller just looked Jack in the eye and said nothing. Finally, he broke eye contact. "Alright Jack, you win this time. Go. But stay in constant COM contact. I'll be relaying you intel as I get it."

        "Got it sir," said Jack. He turned and left the bridge.

        Jack began to head down the main corridor. He pulled up a layout on his HUD to orientate himself. This corridor formed essentially the spine of the ship; it ran uninterrupted from the bridge to the engine room. He broke into a quick jog as the corridor was over two kilometres long and it was going to take him at least fifteen minutes to reach the rendezvous point he had picked to meet with the fireteam from 1-1 Alpha outside of Engineering.

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