Sorry babe.

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Me and Nash have been doing great and I haven't talked to my dad in forever I feel so bad but him and that girl should be doing great I bet

I won't lie I kinda do miss my slutty brother even though we fight like all the time I still miss him I don't know where he is or what he's doing I hope he's okay though

I'm currently outside sitting on the grass because I have nothing to do Nash is on tour with Hayes Cameron jack and jack and some other people so it's just me and my dramatic life which I can't stand but I'm already going back to North Carolina today to see my dad

Well I kinda have no choice so kms

I get up and look at the time it's 4:03 pm and I'm supposed to be at the airport at 5:00 so I should get ready to go back

I walk inside going into my room getting my suitcase that was already packed and heading out the door I take a taxi because why not and its just to much to call my friend I guess

"so where are you headed" he asked

"The airport" I said looking out the window their are so many beautiful places I haven't even been too I honestly have flashbacks on how self conscious I used to be like now I don't even care what the haters say everyone has haters and I just have to respect that unfortunately

I pay the taxi man and walk into the airport

"North Carolina now boarding" the speaker said

I start to walk into the plane and sit down automatically putting my head phones on and I turn on somo because he's my bae af and I lay my head back thinking of things that could have happened but didn't

(( skip this part because its boring af))

I open the door of my house and look around it looks really different it's so white in the house like almost everything is completely white

"Dad?" I yell

I'm really worried now I don't know what to do....

My dad walks up to me with my little sister olivia and I look at him with a strange face

"Ashley honey...." he started

"What??" I looked at him

"Your brother-" he stopped

"He got in a bad accident on the way here and-"

"AND WHAT???" I screamed

"The doctors don't think he's gonna make it" he looked down

At this point tears were poring out of my eyes I can't believe this I know I barely even talk to him I never did I always made fun of him and stuff like that but never ever thought this would happen I can't even

I wipe my tears and walk outside

I need a run maybe that would help

I start running down the streets of North Carolina my mom is gone my brother is gonna be gone... I just don't think I can even like be happy

I see really big lights to my side and I turn I hear a really loud honk and then

Everything went white not black

But everything went white.


Sooooo I couldn't be more happy omg I have so many reads and I'm not that good of a writer I'm sorry I haven't updated but like so much stuff has been going on I swear i update soon again sorry for no Nash in the chapter lol but he's gonna be in the next ;;))

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