'...What a bunch of corrupt assholes. All they like doing is criminal stuff, this is boring. I wanna go home'

Yuzuha:(L/N)! Leave this to us. Get outta here!

'Ooh, my ticket out. At least I was able to kick that fucker with the scar. Honestly thought he'd put up a good challenge. How disappointi-'

Hakkai:(Y/N)! Behind you!!

(Y/N) turned around to be met with a 6'4 tank. An arm sped towards his neck, luckily, he pulled some acrobatic shit and limbo'd under the arm. He stuck his leg out, making the tank stumble


"Found a penny?"

While everyone in the gang was bowing, Taiju turned around and took a swing at (Y/N). Unfortunately for him, (Y/N) jumped over the swing and kicked Taiju's cheek

Taiju:That shit barely tickled!!

Taiju turns to look at Hakkai

Taiju:Hakkai! Who the hell's this jerk!?

Hakkai was frozen in place, so Koko decided to speak up

Koko:He's Toman's First Division Captain, (Y/N) (L/N)

Taiju:Hahaha. No fuckin' way!

Koko:It's true. One of Hakkai's little friends

Taiju:So, he brought a Toman bastard right into our family's home!?

'I wanna fight this ugly bastard'

Taiju:Even though he doesn't join us no matter how many times I tell him!! *sigh*Hakkai....beat him to death. Take responsibility as a fellow Toman member!

Hakkai:Taiju... He didn't know that this was Black Dragons territory

'Mmmm nope, I probably did. Why the hell else would I be here?'

Hakkai:He really didn't...so please

'Oh man, this guy's scared stiff! I could kick him and he'd fall with no reaction'

Taiju:I don't give a shit. Didn't you hear my orders? You're my little brother that comes before Toman. That means you must obey me, your older brother. Family bonds are more important than friends, aren't they?

'.....Are they always though?'

Yuzuha:Taiju! Don't corner Hakkai like that!

Taiju didn't listen and whacked her across the face

Taiju:Yuzuha. Because you didn't discipline him properly...this is what happens. I'm gonna teach you a lesson later

"Man....what a coward"

Taiju:Keep your nose out of Shiba family's business, you little shit

"I really wanted to kick your ass, but you just proved you're nothing more than a cheat. Hitting your own sister? Man, that's wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'm a true advocate of gender equality, but hitting her over something like that?"

Taiju:The hell do you know!? We're delinquents!! We don't follow rules!

"I mean, can you even call yourselves delinquents? Look around, all I see is I group of pussies hiding behind a name. I'm disappointed. Really, I am"

Now, you might be thinking. Does (Y/N) know what he's doing? Answer, yes. He does. He wants a valid reason for Taiju to want to fight him. That way, Taiju won't just ignore (Y/N) and toss him aside. However, on the sidelines, Yuzuha was shocked. She would always have to stand up for herself, Hakkai was always scared of Taiju. So for someone to stand up for her was...refreshing

Taiju:Watch this, Hakkai. Your big bro is gonna fix your problem for you. That's what family's about!!

Taiju tried punching (Y/N), but he dodged to the side and dealt a blow to Taiju's jaw

Hakkai:Taiju! Stop. Please!

Taiju:Don't stop me now, Hakkai!! Things are beginning to get interesting!

Taiju tried kicking (Y/N), but he simply jumped over the kick and forward to Taiju. When (Y/N) was close enough, he threw his head down and headbutted Taiju

Hakkai:I-I'll quit Toman! I'll join the Black Dragons...just, please. Stop fighting

Taiju stopped trying to fight (Y/N), much to (Y/N)'s disappointment

Taiju:Better get outta here kid, before I change my mind

"Giving up that fast? How.....dull"

(Y/N) mockingly bows at Taiju

"Until we meet again"

(Y/N) starts to leave, with only 1 thought on his mind

'According to Baji, Hakkai killed the previous leader for money. That means Hakkai...he's gonna kill Taiju. It looks like things are shaping up to be an...interesting couple of months'

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