Tale 7

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Tale 7

The Capital located at the heart of the kingdom is always bustling with activities.

People from all walks of life gather here hoping to change their lives for the better.

The Duke and Duchess of Lancaster arrived at the Capital without further delays aside from that one time when they were attacked by wolves.

Aside from kisses, the Duke didn’t force Adelina to do any embarrassing stuffs.

She wonders: After what you did, isn’t it too late to pretend to be a gentleman now?

After arriving at the Capital, she ignored him completely and locked herself up inside her room.

Their main mansion is located at the north where they govern the land. But they also have a small mansion at the capital meant as their residence whenever they visit.

“It’s been two days since we got here, why don’t we go outside today Duchess?” Sabrina suggested

“Hmm? Shall we?” Adelina

After deliberating about it a little, the two went out with two guards in tow.

They went to visit some clothing boutiques and ate at the most famous restaurant in the capital.

Soon, the news of her return immediately spread at the high society.

As the only daughter of Marquis Medallian and the wife of Duke Niklaus, Adelina’s status in the high society is very special.

She rarely attend events, but her dazzling beauty is very well known.

And now, with the death of the queen many years ago, and as the Duchess of Lancaster, she is currently the most influential woman in the high society in terms of status.

“Duchess, shall we buy some flowers before we head back to the mansion?” Sabrina

Adelina agreed. Despite his stern and serious image, the duke seems to like flowers a lot, so they should decorate the mansion with more flowe—Wait.. Why is she even thinking about that bastard?

“The total would be 100 coppers.” The woman selling the flowers at the sidewalk informed them.

“Okay, let me just get it—” Sabrina opened her wallet to get the needed amount, but a swift hand grabbed her wallet like lightning, and fled like the wind.

“Huh? My wallet!” Sabrina was stunned silly

Adelina was shocked too. So there are snatchers in this world too?

Without thinking, she ran after the man.

“Hey! Stop!” she shouted after him, not caring about her image at all.

The man was surprised to discover that he’s being tailed!

“I said stop!” Adelina shouted

The man ran towards a suspicious alley, thinking that a woman of her status would be too scared to follow.

Unfortunately for him, Adelina is not like any noble women.

She’s fearless!

She activated the Flight Legacy and she was immediately carried by the wind.

“I said stop!” she shouted as she gave him a powerful kick in his back, sending the man stumbling over some trash cans.

“I told you to stop didn’t I? But you didn’t listen. Now, how would you like to stop breathing?” Adelina asked the man with a chilling voice.

Soon, she walked out of the alley, unharmed, with the wallet at hand. She just taught that snatcher a lesson that he will never forget for the rest of his life!

“Duchess!” Sabrina’s worried voice echoed in the air.

“Are you alright Duchess?” the guards were sweating profusely, they clearly remember the warning of the duke this morning. Guard her well, or a head for every scratch in her body. They subconsciously touched their necks out of immense fear.

“I’m alright..” Adelina shrugs before looking at Sabrina,  “I got your wallet back.”

But Sabrina is clearly not happy.

“How could you just ran off on your own Duchess? Don’t you know how worried I was?”

Adelina could only apologize. She completely disregarded Sabrina’s feelings.

She was too confident that nothing will happen to her because she possessed so many Legacies.

“No! I will not easily forgive you! This is not your territory in the North! This place is far more dangerous, Duchess! What if you got abducted by illegal slave traders or human traffickers?” Sabrina

Adelina smiled helplessly. That kind of a scenario would not frighten someone like her. Even if some traffickers tried, she could just ran away with the Legacy of Speed, those traffickers would not be able to catch up to her even if they run until their kidneys explode.

What if there’s someone with a Legacy among them? Haha, still a trafficker even though you’re a superhuman? What an awesome dude.

“I’m really sorry Sabby, I promise there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m not someone frail and weak. I’am a Medallian. I have a Legacy too.” Adelina assured her

She had to reassure her a couple of times on their way home just to appease Sabrina’s anger.


“She did what?” Niklaus asked in shock

“The Duchess beat up a snatcher at an alley today, Duke.” Answered a man in black, he was raised by the Sullivan Family from childhood to become a Shadow Guard. He was originally shadowing the Duke, however, he was now tasked to secretly guard and protect the Duchess.

“She beat up a snatcher?” Niklaus doesn’t know if he should laugh or cry. Duchess, why are you so thuggish?

“There’s more. The Duchess used the Legacy of Flight today.”

“Legacy of Flight?” Niklaus looked at the man in black, he put down the document he was working on earlier to think more seriously.

“Last time, it was clearly the Legacy of Strength. Now Flight?” Niklaus wonder just what type of Legacy his wife actually possess.

There is no record in history about a Legacy that could copy other people’s powers except for the Mirroring Legacy of the Medallian Family. However, Adelina’s Legacy is clearly not that.

After some time, Niklaus shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. If she wants to keep it a secret, we will help her conceal it.”

The man in black nod his head to imply that he understands, but he suddenly felt the cold gaze of the Duke.

“If a word about this gets out, you know what will happen to you, right?” Niklaus asked coldly

“Y-yes Duke..”


On the fifth day of their stay at the Capital, a grand banquet was held in name of the Duke of Lancaster.

“Does the King really have to throw a party for you?” Adelina asked on their way to the venue tonight.

“He’s sending me to war to die. This is probably his farewell gift to me.” The duke shrugs

“But why? Don’t you have a good relationship with the Crown Prince? Is it not the same case with the king?” Adelina

“The King is afraid of me. He’s afraid that I might someday usurp the throne of the Lionels.”

“Why would he think that?” Adelina

“Because I’m a King Vessel. And Maxwell is an idiot. But it doesn’t matter. I don’t really care about the throne. It’s just a shiny gold chair anyways.” Niklaus answered nonchalantly.

The words King Vessel caught Adelina’s attention. What exactly is it? It was never mentioned in the novel [Queen of Hearts].

Before she could even asked, their carriage suddenly halted.

“We have arrived.” Announced the coachman

“Shall we?” the Duke said as he ask for her hand.

“Let’s rock this party.” Adelina answered with swag and offered her hand to her husband.


When they entered the hall, everyone’s gazes focused on the two of them.

The two who look like a pair of divinities, walked hand in hand inside the ballroom.

“It’s the Duke! He’s so handsome!”

“And the Duchess! She’s a goddess! A goddess!”

“I thought the Duke hates her? Wasn’t he acting cold during their wedding months ago?”

“He probably had a change of heart. Who wouldn’t? Just look at his wife. They’re definitely meant to be.”

“Who wouldn’t fall for someone like the Duchess? She’s the epitome of beauty!”

“They look so good together.”

As everyone murmured and gossiped about them, Niklaus gently wrapped his arms around the Duchess’ slim waist, causing an uproar from the women.


“The Duke is clearly making a statement here! The Duchess is only his!”

“Ommmmgggg! I wish my husband is like him too.”

“Are you nervous?” Niklaus whispered on Adelina’s ears

“Why should I? It just feels wrong. I shouldn’t be the one who’s here with yo—”

“You’re all I need, Duchess. Stop doubting yourself.” Niklaus reassured her

But Adelina can’t help thinking about the first chapter of the novel [Queen of Hearts], it was also set in a grand banquet just like this.

The only difference is, there is no Adelina there. Only Lilianna.

“Listen, all I need is for you to breath in and breath out beside me in order to rest my body and soul. Get it?” Niklaus

“... Ahm, yeah.” Adelina

Was that meant to be sweet? Why does his words made her feel like an air-purifying plant instead?

The two of them were immediately surrounded by the other guests who wants to befriend them.

Not long after, Adelina’s eyes fell on a very familiar woman among the guests.

“Is that.....”

On the other side of the hall, several women were gathered  as they gossip with each other.

“Lady Sabrina is just too lucky. She’s the Lady in Waiting of the Duchess of Lancaster. I will die happily if I was in her position.” Said one of the women

“I agree.”

“The Duchess is just too beautiful, wouldn’t my beauty fade if I stand besides her?”

“Hahahaha isn’t it because you’re just not pretty enough?” teased one of them

“I’m serious though. Just look at Lady Sabrina. No one really notices her at all.”

“B-but I think Lady Sabrina is still very pretty though.” Said a small woman timidly

All the ladies looked at her mockingly.

“Did you heard something just now?”


And they all burst out laughing.

The small woman who’s probably around 4’7 tall, blushed out of embarrassment.

A beautiful woman suddenly stepped in.

“You know what’s funny? It’s obviously not you, so shut up!” said Adelina coldly


Adelina looked at the small woman and smiled kindly, “Lady Luella Salem, correct?”

“Y-y-you know me, Duchess?” the woman asked in shock

“Of course!” Adelina answered enthusiastically

“I.. I’m.. I’m honoured..” Luella stuttered out of immense shock.. To think that someone of the Duchess’ level knows a nobody like her!

“Hey you, stop stuttering! Speak up clearly and speak up more! You’re embarrassing our family!” Luella’s older sister scolded her with a glare.

Luella could only lower her head in embarrassment.

She is the eighth daughter of a Baron at the edge at of the kingdom, she’s always been introverted, so her older sisters kept bullying and verbally abusing her, even her own parents doesn’t have high hopes for a weak and stuttering daughter like her, lowering her self esteem even more.

“I-I’m sorry.. P-please forgive me Duchess.” Luella said in a low voice

“You don’t have to be sorry.” Adelina

“B-but... It was my fault for being all awkward.” Luella

“No, don’t blame your self. People just love to encourage introverted people to speak more and leave their comfort zones. But to be honest, why does no one tells extroverts to shut up and make the zone more comfortable? It’s just unfair.” Adelina

The ladies suddenly blushed out of embarrassment. The Duchess’ words were clearly directed at them.

“Just be yourself and be more confident of who you are. Ignore those who doesn’t approve. You can’t please everyone. That’s the reason why I don’t give a damn about what everyone thinks.” Adelina seriously said to Luella

Hearing her words, Luella stared at her with shock. The way the Duchess speak is different from how graceful and elegant she imagines her to be. But there’s an air of confidence around her that cannot be ignored.

“It’s natural to want to belong, to be like and to be respected. But not at the expense of your integrity and happiness. Other people cannot give you the validation you seek, it has to come from inside you. If you want to be love, learn to love your self first.” Adelina

Luella who’s been living her life as a pushover, a person who can’t say no to others because she doesn’t want to be hated, suddenly felt as if her heart was laid bare.

Of course, Adelina is interested in her. The girl is Luella Salem, the eighth daughter of Baron Salem. She was pushed away by people because of her peculiar Legacy, Silence. The Salem Household is known for their Song Legacy, the ability to make others fall asleep when they sing. So Luella’s Silence Legacy doesn’t fit with their family.

She lacks presence, and her Legacy to cancel sound is considered the weakest in the entire kingdom. But there is more to her than meets the eye.

In the novel, Luella was a hidden villainess.

She’s like a ticking time bomb that could explode anytime.

She grew tired of all the hurtful words from everyone, so one day, she exploded.

The entire kingdom fell into silence for an entire day, people’s ears bleed, those with weak hearts couldn’t take it, they either turned crazy or died.

On that day, Lilianna and Niklaus was having a lover’s quarrel so they couldn’t respond immediately. Later on, Lilianna rallied a batch of powerful individuals a.k.a her love targets, and eliminated the villainess Luella.

The entire kingdom praised Lilianna’s heroism.

But now that Adelina thinks about it, isn’t that all a crap of bullshits?

What hero? What villainess?

Luella is clearly just a victim too so why was she killed? She was branded a villainess but she’s not evil. What Lilianna did to her was not justice but cruelty.

So as a fellow person fated to die unjustly, Adelina is willing to meddle and save her.

Aside from her ability to silence all sound, Luella can also silence other people’s Legacy, completely cancelling it’s effect.

She’s very powerful, she just didn’t know it yet. No one knows it yet. Except for Adelina.

“Lady Luella, would you like to come with me to the North?” Adelina

“T-the North?” Luella asked in shock

“Yes, would you like to be my second Lady-in-Waiting?” Adelina offered

“I-it will b-be my honour D-duchess!” Luella

“No, it will be my honour Lady Luella.” Adelina smiled like a Saintes

All the women gasped in shock. Just what the fnck happened?

Luella wanted to cry at this moment. She’s so honoured to be given such an opportunity! She doesn’t know how she stumbled on such a stroke of luck!

Adelina on the other hand is singing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord inside her heart. How lucky! She just recruited one of the most powerful character from the novel! With Luella by her side, her chances of survival grew even higher.

Luella doesn’t know it yet, but she was actually scammed by a shameless someone.


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