Tale 2

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Tale 2

In this world, there is a mysterious power that runs in the blood of nobilities.

This power is called Legacy.

It’s rare for commoners to possess this power. It is more commonly passed down on the bloodlines of the nobilities. And the most powerful bloodline is known as the Five Major Families.

The Royal Family of Lionel who have the Legacy to control or summon lightning.

The Dukedom of Sullivan who passed down the Telekinesis Legacy.

The Dukedom of Salvatore  who have the Teleportation Legacy.

The Marquisate of Agrielle who possess the  Flame Control Legacy.

And of course, the  Marquisate of Medallian famous for their Mirroring Legacy.

Mirroring Legacy is the ability to mirror and used the legacy of others in their presence.

It’s considered one of the most powerful legacy because of it’s infinite potential.

However, it’s not perfect. If faced with a normal opponent with no Legacy, then a Medallian is just like any other person with no powers at all.

Adelina’s Legacy was never mentioned in the novel [Queen of Hearts]. There’s no need to since she’s already dead even before the beginning of chapter one.

However, now that Loraine is occupying Adelina’s body, she found out something shocking.

The entire kingdom including the Medallian Family believes that Adelina possesses an ordinary Mirroring Legacy.

But that’s not true at all!

All this time, she was only pretending to be an ordinary member of the Medallian Household.

Adelina’s true Legacy is similar to the Founder of the Medallian Family!

However, for some unknown reason, those who possess this type of Legacy were killed discreetly by the Medallians.

Even Adelina is not aware of the reason. Her father only instructed her never to reveal her true Legacy or else, she will be disposed of. As his only daughter, the Head of the Medallian Family chose her safety and helped her hide her true Legacy by breaking the tradition without informing the Elders of the family.

Adelina’s true power is actually the Legacy of Cloning.


“Duchess, the sky is clear today. Shall we take a walk on the garden?” Sabrina

Adelina agreed immediately. Staying indoors for weeks makes her feel too stuffy. She needs some fresh air.

The north is covered in snow all-year round. A day like this is actually very rare.

“I shall prepare your dress.” Sabrina said excitedly

Adelina wanted to say that she don’t really need to change. She’s already wearing a beautiful dress that she wore for lunch. She’s just going to take a walk on the garden, she just need to wear a coat and all is well! She just don’t get why nobilities dress up too much. They change clothes in the morning, when there’s a guest, when they’re going to eat lunch or dinner, and even when they’re just going to take a walk at the garden! It’s too troublesome!

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