
Hiro and Kaoru are off to school and they notices Rikiya. "Yo! Hiro! Kap! What's up?!" Rikiya asks. "Hey, dumbass! We agreed on his actual name! You wanna blurt out that we are a terrorist faction too?!" Hirozaku scolds the photographer. "Well, you seem pretty chipper today. What's with you?" Kaoru asks. "Well, guess who is back on their feet! After two weeks of making us scared shitless for her!" Rikiya says. Ai Yoshinaga arrives from the shadow of a nearby tree with an entertained smile. "Tanimoto-san has asked me to do this as a means to surprise you and I honestly wanted to know how it'd go." Ai says. "Oh hey, it's good to see you're back on your feet. How do you feel, miss Ai?" Kaoru asks. "I'm doing very well, thank you Kaoru-san. Oh, and Megumi has told me of your little competition." Ai giggles. "I ain't apologizing." Hiro says to which Ai giggles. "I didn't think you would. But again, I can't thank you both enough for all that you've done." Ai says. "Hey now, we are all in this whole conspiracy together now. The way I see it, we are now all pals. We just need a name for ourselves... Hmm...." Rikiya ponders a bit. "Wait! I got it! We are gonna be called, drumroll please... the Riki Squad!" Rikiya says. "We ain't naming the team after you, you damn narcissist." Hirozaku says bluntly. "Yeah... not happening." Kaoru agrees. "I am also not particularly fond of that name, Tanimoto-san." Ai adds. "Come on, it's a great team name!" "No, the absolute hell, it's not." Hiro says. "Ok, fine! You think of a team name!" Rikiya tells Hiro. Hiro ponders for a little bit. "The Sovereign Heroes." Hirozaku says. "Woah! We're going with that?!" Rikiya asks. "Why not? You use Rapunzel, you use the Ugly Duckling and I use Beast, which all take place in fairy tales which normally are set during the medieval era. So, the Sovereign Heroes." Hiro says. "I honestly like it. It makes me feel powerful." Ai responds. "I like it! It's sounds so cool!" Kaoru agrees. "Well... it does sound rather cool. Okay! The Sovereign Heroes are in action!" Rikiya exclaims. "Now we gotta do a secret but fabulous and flamboyant dance number like the Ginyu Force!" "Ok, I'm drawing the line at THAT Power Rangers bullshit!" Hirozaku says.

Meanwhile, Tomomi is on her way and sees Rikiya with Hiro, Kaoru and Ai. Though something about her seems... different, as if she has been dying inside. As if she is getting depressed.

At school, Mr. Namikawa is teaching the class but he seems rather exhausted, as if he has to do a million projects at once and teaching is one of them. Once the bell rings, Hiro gets up and approaches his sensei. "Yo, Namikawa You doing okay?" Hiro asks. "Oh, Chiba. Yes, I am doing fine. I am just a little tired." Namikawa says. "Really? No offense, but you look like shit. When was the last time you slept?" Hiro asks. "Oh, well, it's nothing really. I just have a lot of things to do, that's all. But thanks for your consideration, Chiba. I have to say, you've really improved since the beginning of the year." Namikawa compliments. "Yeah, well... I figured I could make a good name for myself, but you know, if ya wanna get something off your chest, you don't gotta hesitate to tell me." Hirozaku says to which Namikawa does a little chuckle. "It's funny, it really should be the other way around. Thank you Chiba. I will certainly do that." Namikawa says as Hiro feels a sense of respect from him. Suddenly, time stops all around Hiro.

"I am thou... Thou art I...

Thou hast acquired a new companion...

With the Zodiac of the "Sagittarius", your journey is one step closer to its end..."

Hiro is now capable of making Sagittarius personas. Time resumes around him and Namikawa starts to speak again. "Well then, I've been told that you have a little brother, Dojima Elementary if I remember correctly. You know, that school is connected here, so I'm sure your little brother will find himself in a wonderful environment when he reaches his freshman year here." Namikawa says. Hiro leaves and picks up Kaoru from school, and then gets approached by Rikiya and Ai. "Yo!" Rikiya greets. "Hey." Hiro responds. "So, tomorrow is Constitution day, maybe we can hang out together." Rikiya says. "What's that?" Kaoru asks. "It's a holiday that is apart of the beginning holiday that is the Golden Week." Ai explains. "We should totally hit the Natsuka shopping district! There is gonna be a ton of discounts and I wanna go!" Rikiya says. "Perhaps we may invite your friend, Tomomi Oshiro?" Ai suggests. "Oh, I tried but for some reason, she just looks so... dead. Like emotions were just ripped from her body." Rikiya says. "Is that right?" Hiro asks, turning to Kaoru. "No, it can't be. There's no way that she, of all people, has a Lethe!" Rikiya says. "Well, just be on your guard. We don't want shit to happen to us." Hiro says. "I guess..." Rikiya responds. "Big bro!" A familiar voice is heard. The group turns and sees Akemi running towards Rikiya. "Oh hey! Akemi! How was school?" Rikiya asks. "It was good! Hi Kaoru!" Akemi greets. "Hi!" Kaoru answers. Akemi notices Ai and steps away a little bit. "Sorry, she's not used to strangers." Rikiya says to the vice president. "Oh, that's fine, I don't mind." Ai answers. "Akemi, this is Ai Yoshinaga. The vice president of my school." Rikiya says to her. "H-hello...." Akemi says adorably. "It's nice to meet you, Akemi-chan." Ai answers. "Hey, why don't we bring her along for Golden Week? I mean it's a holiday, and I see this as a chance for us to get to know each other better." Hiro says. "That does sound nice. How does that sound, Akemi? You wanna join us tomorrow?" Rikiya asks. "Really?!" Akemi asks. "Yep! It'll be tons of fun!" Rikiya exclaims. "Okay!" Akemi says excitedly. "And maybe bring some study materials. The midterms are gonna happen and I don't want that to bite us in the... butt." Hiro adds, changing his last word knowing that there is a child present. "That does make sense. We can have some lunch and try to study a little bit." Ai agrees. "Argh! Don't remind me of that! It's just gonna be hell..." Rikiya says. "What's a midterm?" Kaoru asks. "It's a test to see what we've learned throughout half the school year. It's a pain but you gotta go through with it." Hirozaku answers. "Besides, we can also help the little ones. No doubt those two will have midterms too." "Okay! I can study hard!" Akemi says optimistically. "Well then, guess we better prepare for tomorrow." Hirozaku says. They all make an agreement and decide to meet tomorrow at the Natsuka shopping district.

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