Dont trust easily

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I just didn't trust this dude. It was something strange. Or maybe it was just that I was tired of seeing my sister hurt and cry over guys.

I regret letting Calvin meet her and vouch for him. I'm tired of whipping away tears these bad boyfriends left.

I was tired of her wasting her time. I just wanted to see her happy. I wasn't trying to run her life and control her.

Mercedes deserves that Mr. Right. That's made just for her.

We did some shopping and then went and ate then went back to the crib. " So Quan already bugging me about coming here? "

I laughed. " you talked to Quan? " I ask her.

" Yeah. I had logged onto Facebook this morning when you were sleep. He was all emotional and posted on my wall " She says " go look at it "

I went onto Facebook and then her wall. He posted. " So u and my bro up n left a nigga an moved all the way to Dtown on me! I thought y'all loved me but I was wrong :/ I thought u wasn't go leave me again

I cracked up laughing. " he fucking stupid! " I say. I knew he use to have a thing for cedes back a while ago but didn't dare crash his badboy image for the nerd. Like me until I talked to her.

And I think he still got a thang for her. Why wouldn't he? She is beautiful.

I looked at the comments. People LOL 'ing. Then her " Lmaooo awe well thanks and FUCk U at the same time. And did you call me slow?? -____- go straight to hell but I love yo crazy ass bro "

He was talking mad shit in that TBH ( 'to be honest' (a Facebook game).)

" Yeah he got problems. Anyway I'm ready to be moved and down here. I can tell I'm going to like it. " She says.

" Me too " I say. I made small talk before pushing to the next subject.

" I spoke to Calvin "

" And. I don't care " She shrugged.

" Well he was talking about how him and a couple of the boys was going to be here--"

" Here! As in Dallas!? Why can't he just stay there and leave me alone!? " She says.

" Well, I don't know. "

" I hate seeing his stupid lying face. No matter how cute it is " I laugh at her.

" Ssshh he calling now! " I say. I picked up. " wassup? "

" Nothing. But we is go be In D-town in a few days. We all need to chill while we there " he says

She rolled her eyes and started mocking him.

" Yeah. What was you go be here for again? " I ask.

" My homeboy birthday and all star " he says.

" oh. " was all I replied. " Where is Mercedes? " He ask. I chuckled.

" Why you be talking about and asking for her so much! " I tease. He laughed. She punched me.

" Man, fuck you! I just ask a question because that's who you supposed to be with and I don't hear her "

" Her and her boyfriend went out to eat and left me here. He a bitch man " I was trying so hard not to laugh as I told the lie.

" Boyfriend?! How the hell she go have a boyfriend and she been there like 2 days!? " He was mad.

" They met on Facebook. You know them online love things. " I was having a blast pissing him off.

Hood Love (Finished) p.s editingalsoWhere stories live. Discover now