Chapter 10: Dead of Night

Start from the beginning

*Lodestar says at the knife cuts down another tree and Lodestar takes a seat.*

Lodestar Luminous: Now Robert, I know you had questions about what I said earlier & I shouldn't have yelled at you.

Robert Squared: That's ok Lodestar, it happens.

Lodestar Luminous: I think I can explain this to you now..

Robert Squared: I'm all ears.

Lodestar Luminous: I'm not from Earth.

*There's a short pause as Robert blinks a couple times.*

Robert Squared: What?

Lodestar Luminous: I'm from another race of people, people who had the 2nd largest army in the Galaxy..we lived on planet once known as "Luminosity" and our planet was also the battlefield for the greatest war in our Galaxy..

*The scene fades into a flashback.*


*We see a world that looks rich, one of the most beautiful worlds in the Galaxy, the clouds & sky are tinted different shades of purple and the entire world feels like it's light years ahead of Earth's time..all while the floors are tinted in blood, Multiple soldiers go & down and buildings collapse, inside the main castle, three people are seen running toward an exit, one of them is Lodestar herself, they get to the exit which is where escape pods should be..but there is only two.*

Lodestar Luminous: Mom, Dad! What do we do?

*They both look in concern as they hear the villain approach.*

King Luminous: We don't have any other choice, both of you..get in a pod

*Lodestar stands in shock as she knows what's going to happen.*

Lodestar Luminous: Father, I won't let you do this!

King Luminous: I have to do this! I can't let you stay & suffer!

Lodestar Luminous: Let me help you!

King Luminous: Absolutely not! Now go, you have a lot to live for my dear, I don't deserve to live if I ever let something happen to you.

*Mom grabs Lodestar and they both get in their pods, Lodestar looks on as her Dad pulls out a sword.*

King Luminous: For the kingdom.

*Just as he says that, Mirage blasts into the room & the pods take off as Lodestar tried to get out.*


*Lodestar is on the verge of tears as Robert gives her a hug.*

Lodestar Luminous: All this time I never knew what my fathers fate was...until now

Robert Squared: I'm sure that everything will be fine.

Lodestar Luminous: Do you think everything will be fun? Robert, I love you man but the world isn't always sunshine & rainbows.

Robert Squared: You act like I don't know that..

*Lodestar looks at Robert who is standing on his feet and pacing back & forth.*

Robert Squared: All my life I've been taught that "if you believe & hold out long enough then you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel." And that's what I do in a daily basis, I look up to the sky and I smile because no matter how much could go wrong, as long as I have a smile on my face then nothing should be able to destroy my optimizum! Lodestar, what happened, happened but think of it this way.

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