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Yuta : "Hey, it's okay baby~
Remember what papa said, everyone makes mistakes.
I'll do it instead baby don't worry~"

The elder added the flour slowly then added the last ingredient, buttermilk, as he saw everything start to come together.

Yuta : "We're almost done baby!
Now all we have to do is put them in the oven.
Do you want to use those cute dinosaur cupcake liners Taeyongie bought for you?"

Shotaro nodded frantically as he reached into the cabinet to get them.
He opened the packet hurriedly resulting in them flying everywhere but he couldn't care less, he was ready to decorate the cupcakes now.
Yuta chukled and shook his head knowing Taeyong was going to have a heat attack when he sees the mess they made.
Yuta helped the little place the cupcake liners into the muffin pan as he cautiously filled them up with their cupcake mixture. 

Yuta : " 'Bake in the center of the oven at 350˚F for 20-23 minutes.' Then we'll be done!
Good job baby, papa is so proud of you~"

Shotaro blushed as he high-fived his papa.
He couldn't wait to taste them-

Shotaro : "wait papa, channie nu hewe...
shota gonna wait tiww he get bwack and eat dem!"

Yuta : "Awe aren't you the sweetest, i'm sure Channie will be very happy to hear you waited for him baby~
Now lets wash our hands again and watch some tv while we wait okay?"

Shotaro : "otay!"

Once the cupcakes were done, Yuta made sure he put on oven mitts as he took the tray out of the oven.
They let them cool down before the elder grabbed the different color icing cans and sprinkles from the cabinet.

Shotaro : " 'm wanna mwake channie's spwecial papa!"

Yuta : "How so bubba?"

Shotaro skipped to his room, grabbing something from his art box, before running back to the kitchen with the item behind his back.

Yuta : "What's behind your back baby?"

Shotaro brought his hands from behind his back revealing 2 goggly eyes.

Shotaro : "wanna mwake a cwupcake monstew papa!"

Yuta : "Oh?
Okay baby, we just have to wash them off first~"

After rinsing off the goggly eyes, they finished making the cupcakes.
Just then they heard the front door open and giggling.

Sungchan : "sho sho?!"

Shotaro : "channie!?"

The two males saw a fluffy head of hair and a pair of curios eyes peek into the kitchen.
Once the 2 littles caught sight of each other, they engulfed one another in a big hug.

Sungchan : "mwissed chu sho sho~"

Shotaro : "mwissed chu too channie~"

Sungchan & Shotaro : "gwuess what!?"

They both giggled as Jaehyun, Mark, and Haechan walked in, mouths agape.

Mark : "Oh-"

Haechan : "My-"

Shotaro : "cwupcake! shota mwade cwupcakes wif papa!
an 'm mwade channie a spwecial one~"

Sungchan's eyes lit up after hearing they made cupcakes.

Sungchan : "channie got chu sometin too sho sho!
daddy hewp mwe bwuy chu a plushie!"

He ran up to Jaehyun, who was still shocked by the mess, and grabbed the bag out of his hands.
He showed Shotaro the otter plushie he got him before they both hugged again saying thank you.

Yuta : "Okay bubba let's go get you a bath then we can eat the cupcakes we made okay?"

Shotaro : "otay papa!
'm bwe wight bwack channie~"

After Yuta gave Shotaro a bath he quickly took a shower before helping the littles plate their cupcakes.

Sungchan : "mmm~
thwese awe so good sho sho!"

Shotaro : "tank chu channie~
papa did mwost of da wowk when we mwade dem bwut shota did the docawatin' aww bwy his sewf!"

They giggled as the caregivers watched them eat the cupcakes messily.
Just then Taeyong walked out of his, Jaehyun, Sungchan's shared room, stretching while scratching his head.

Taeyong : "What's all this noise I hear?"

Sungchan : "mommy!!"

The tall little ran up to his mama and gave him a big hug nearly knocking them both over in the process.
He gave him a kiss of the cheek, luckily Jaehyun wiped his mouth prior to him getting up.
Jaehyun also got up giving the leader a small peck on the lips before remembering the mess in the kitchen.

Jaehyun : "Hey babe why don't you go back in the room and i'll bring you one of the cupcakes Shotaro and Yuta made?"

Taeyong : "I can get it myself Jae~ Plus I wanted to get a bottle of water too."

Before the caregivers could stop Taeyong from going into the kitchen, he was already frozen in his tracks, eyes bulging out of his head.

Taeyong : "Yuta!!"


𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz