Chapter Twelve

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He shifts slightly, getting up.

I stop him, putting up one talon.

He settles back down.

I let go and jump back as Dr. Michael releases the metal from my tail. I stand there for a moment, recovering myself. I straighten myself and face him once again. "Could you remind me what you do to the shapeshifters and their families? I'm not remembering something correctly."

"I kidnap them... I murder their families to erase our tracks... I test them...? I don't see what you can't remember about that." Dr. Michaels recites highly skeptical.

"And what was it that you did to all those children after I escaped?" I press on.

"Why are you asking me to repeat all this? What are you trying to accomplish?"

"I'm still trying to get this story straight. I can't remember every detail." I lie to him. I remember every detail very well. There's no way I am ever going to forget what he did.

"I killed most of them. I think the part you're forgetting is that two of them escaped." Dr. Michael sneers. "And, let me guess: you're going to ask what I did to Marina. I'll save you some breath and tell you. It's not like you can go tell anyone anyways. You'll either end up dead or back at the Corporation. I tried using her to bear my children before the testing got her stuck as a dragon."

I hope this is enough for the police to believe the story and arrest him.

"She was only a teen right?" I continue to press on.

"Are you stupid? Yes, she was." Dr. Michael's eyes are on fire with fury. He starts up those machine guns again.

"I can't believe you just told me all of that without looking around you for anyone else because you just admitted all of your crimes in front of the police. They now have you confessing to all of your crimes." I watch as Dr. Michael's face drops.

"No! The police can't be here. They would never arrest me. I promised them I would help them catch you. They need me!" He whines like a baby.

The two police officers leap from the bushes and try to tackle him to the ground.

I race up to them and help tackle Dr. Michael to the ground.

"They won't need you to find me because once they arrest you, I'll be turning myself in." I sneer.

We only manage to make him stumble. Dr. Michael tries to fight us off, but we fight him back. We get tons of scrapes and bruises from the fight. Blood rolls down my face as Dr. Michael continues to use his weapons against me. I can now see that he stabbed my tail with a knife earlier before the police arrived.

The world starts spinning around me. I grow weaker with each blow I receive from Dr. Michael.

I hear a thump as something falls to the ground. Hoping that something useful fell, I look to the ground. One of the officer's guns sits there on the grass.

Without thinking, I grab the gun and leap back. I point it at Dr. Michael, ready to fire.

Dr. MIchael and the two cops stop mid-fight. They look at me with fear. One of the cops pulls out his gun and points it towards me.

My heart starts racing faster as if it weren't going fast enough already. The world starts spinning faster and faster around me. I start to shake like a leaf in the wind and my legs grow weaker and weaker.

"Drop the gun!" The officer with the gun pointed at me shouts.

I stand there unable to move, petrified by the fear of my impulse.

Sirens blare in the distance growing louder with each heartbeat.

My eyes threaten to close on me.

The ground starts racing up to me bringing darkness along with it.

Of the Darkest Depths: DarknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang