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"Ha? And how do you expect us to do something like that exactly? He's much too guarded." A hooded figure asked, slamming his fist down on the table, peering at the shaded figure from across.

"Haven't you heard the news you diabolical lad? Its simple. He plans on arriving here, not knowing what awaits him here at all. New reporters all say that this will be a solo journey, meaning no security guards or something related to that affect." The shaded figure explained.

The hooded figure tapped on his chin, still keeping his steady gaze on the shaded figure across.

"And exactly, how much are we talking here? You know I don't just do this for free." The hooded figure scoffed, tilting his head towards the shaded figure.

The shaded figure grew a cruel smile across his face in the nook of the only source of light as his black eyes seemed to gleam dangerously in the darkness.


The hooded figure widened his eyes at the large sum of money and thought about it for a moment, shaking his head in disbelief.

"And what about the other ones we captured? Why can't you just use them instead?" The hooded figure frowned, sighing in annoyance afterwards.

"You see, those ones you caught aren't helping much. In order to get through this, we need him to come here and we'll force the money out of him. Your the best recruit I have." The shaded figure laughed in a sinister manner.

"And why's that you can't bother to still give me and my recruits a break for once. You know doing these things are very tiring." The hooded figure yawned, tapping his gloved fingers across the table.

The shaded figure sighed in annoyance and the hooded figure smirked, clapping his hands afterwards.

"Har, har, don't worry boss. We'll strike when we get our chance to." The hooded figure chuckled, waving his hands off at the shaded figure.

"Right... Anyways, don't fail me. Or you know the rules." The shaded figure growled and a click of a gun trigger was heard echoing though the room.

The hooded figure shrugged, smirking smugly at the shaded figure who was being rather serious.

"Don't worry boss. You know I'm too good at this job anyway." The hooded figure laughed and with that, disappeared through the doorway.

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